Israel and the Bigoted Morons

Posted by on Jul 30th, 2024 and filed under Defense, Foreign Policy. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

Dr. Miklos K. Radvanyi

The gravest threat to the future of mankind is not global warming, overpopulation, mass migration and local wars, but the overarching gradual intellectual degradation of the moral, cultural as well as political sanity across the globe.  Accordingly, there are fundamental correlations among the countless disorders in all the continents, which in turn lend a ruthless actuality to the present bloody chaos in the Middle East, more specifically to the war in Gaza between the State of Israel and the Muslim Brotherhood’s creation the Islamic Resistance Movement (Arabic acronym Hamas).  As in all the other turbulent areas, the elementary cause of the war is the absolutely undemocratic nature, more precisely the terroristic character of a ruthlessly barbaric military tyranny of Hamas inside the so-called Gaza Strip and beyond.  

The all encompassing anti-Israel and pro-Hamas narratives claim in unison that Hamas enjoys the full support of the local population and, therefore, the  organization only carries out the wishes of the people.  Yet, these same Hamas’ useful idiots fail to point out that Hamas gained control of the Gaza Strip after a bloody civil war in June 2007, in which the opposition Palestinian National Authority’s (Fatah) officials and supporters were executed by the thousands, or fled from the territory en masse.  Thus, Hamas is not a legitimate government by any democratic standard because its rule was imposed by violence that has never tolerated any opposition and has never possessed the political courage to allow free elections.  This self-contradictory situation has resulted in a complete reversal of the democratic principle that the majority has the right to govern and the minority must be legally able to become the majority through free elections.  On the contrary, all oppressive regimes, be they dictatorships, autocracies and even tyrannies, seemingly accept the democratic principles in theory, but in their practices they mercilessly suppress any opposition to their relentless reign of terror.

As Russia’s aggression against Ukraine threatens to upset the status quo in the European continent, Hamas’ proxy war launched on October 7, 2023, against the State of Israel on behalf of the Islamic Republic of Iran, has the potential to trigger a wider military confrontation throughout the greater Middle East and beyond.  This threat is being multiplied by the various regional and international organizations that have incompetently politicized the war to fit their discombobulated domestic agendas.  

Amid this general chaos, the world’s global powers are only exacerbating the complex problems by sticking to their perennial national interests without taking into consideration the global repercussions of their petty politickings.  Undoubtedly, the United States of America has been the strongest and most loyal supporter of the State of Israel for many decades.  However, since January 2021, the Executive Branch has been headed by a mentally incapacitated president who have built his cabinet on diversity, equity and inclusion, which predictably have resulted in sheer incompetence, intellectual inferiority as well as lack of vision cum creativity.  His presumptive heir does not have the faintest understanding of international relations and her ubiquitous incompetence is legendary.  As is the norm, the European Union lacks a unified foreign policy and its chaotic fragmentation deepens rather than alleviates the explosive situation.  China and Russia are not interested in an equitable solution.  The United Nations and its various agencies, including the International Court of Justice, have contributed more to the poisoning of the situation rather than having been constructive partners in finding a mutually acceptable settlement.

Right now this crisis is a regional crisis.  However, because of the rapidly developing chiefly military cooperation among Russia, China, North Korea and Iran this regional crisis could rapidly become a world crisis.  Clearly, the United States of America is called upon again to apply to all the parties involved a strategically decisive mastery.  To accomplish this complex and arduous task America needs a team that must be far superior to the present way below mediocre collection of the  Biden-Harris-Sullivan-Blinken-Austin quintet.  The first gospel and the most important recognition must be that the Mahmoud Abbas chaired Palestinian National Authority, or the Ismail Haniyeh led Islamic Resistance Movement, are self-defined revolutionary organizations with the sole objective of reclaiming the territories of “Mandatory Palestine” allegedly lost in 1948 and 1967 to the infidel State of Israel.  In this context, the many amendments to the Palestinian National Covenant or Charter of May 28, 1964 as well as to the Hamas Covenant or Charter of August 18, 1988, have repeatedly failed to comply with the obligations contained in the Oslo accords.  Calling for future and unspecified changes without legally incorporating the amendments into both charters are two different issues.  Lying and distorting the actual actions taken or not taken only create suspicion that the real intent of both organizations does not correspond to their promises made in the international arenas.  Taking into account the circumstances of the weird history of the establishment of the original Palestinian Liberation Organization by the then Soviet KGB, the current chairman’s activities in the Soviet Union and the bloody history of both organizations internally as well as externally, these two organizations have been and have remained terroristic in their essence, without any real hope for a fundamental change.  For these reasons, these two organizations will not and cannot ever exist in peace with either the other Arab states or with the democracies of the European, Asian and the American continents.

The second gospel flows naturally from the first.  The creation of a new state in the West Bank of the Jordan River and the Gaza Strip will be unable to be a peaceful entity that would be qualified to preserve peace domestically as well as internationally.  Logically, such a state would create a permanent regional uncertainty and perpetual tensions with the State of Israel and between NATO and the Russia-China-Iran-North Korea alliance.  Finally, the strategic uncertainties would lead to rapidly metastasizing additional conflicts that would not be confined to the region.  Since the existing states in these regions would not be qualified to solve the often recurring crises by themselves, the involvement of outside powers could be guaranteed with absolute certainty.

Consequently, if the United States of America wants to lead a positively effective effort in shepherding the rest of the world toward a lasting regional peace and stability, the White House and Congress jointly have to stymie the lies, distortions as well as hoaxes enemating from all parts of the world, specifically from the Middle East.  These lies, distortions as well as hoaxes have cemented a bunch of alternative realities that cannot be countered, as the devastatingly incompetent Biden Administration thought, by creating another American alternative reality.  The chain of events that have started with the untold barbarity of Hamas and have continued with accusing the innocent party of racism, genocide, ethnic cleansing as well as appartheid, have turned the desire for serious discussions into a frivolous exchange of quantitative rather than qualitative jangle.  The violent riots throughout Europe and across the United States of America with their maximalist demands for the annihilation of the State of Israel in general and all the Jews in particular have demonstrated that the Islamic Republic of Iran, its proxies and the Muslim terrorists want nothing short of everything without complete disregard of  everybody else’s legitimate rights.  Yet, history has taught mankind that those who want everything always end up with nothing.  

The only worthwhile purpose for the United States of America is to decisively enforce a solution that will stymie the Ayatollahs’ cataclysmic religious extremism, which is the source of all the chaotic destructionism in the Middle East and beyond.  The rules of international law as well as those of a peaceful world, but not the phony imitations of the United Nations General Assembly and the International Court of Justice, must be enforced.  The alternative is terrorism that has already produced deadly sufferings as well as wars without rules.  The supreme objective of the new American administration after January 20, 2025, must be to restore a world, in which the free people as well as their democratic governments can exist without fear of utter lawlessness.                 

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