Federal Spending is the Problem: Defense is Not! »

by George Landrith

With a long history of federal overspending and the recent explosion of more federal debt, it is obvious that the federal budget must be cut back to a reasonable size. We need an intervention. But the Budget Control Act — which would force an “automatic sequester” of $500 billion in across-the-board defense spending cuts over the next decade, in addition to the $487 billion in defense cuts …

Clinton Era Taxes and Clinton Era Spending »

by George Landrith

With the budget and fiscal crisis facing the United States and difficult economic times surely ahead for the foreseeable future, President Barack Obama has vociferously argued that Republicans must agree to tax increases. He argues for what he terms are modest tax increases on the wealthiest Americans that are equal to the tax rates during President Bill Clinton’s time in office. Why is Obama only interested in …

Fiscal Crisis: Failing the Details, Math and Leadership Tests »

by George Landrith

President Barack Obama repeatedly chided Mitt Romney’s budget plan during the presidential campaign on at least two grounds: (1) it lacked detail, and (2) the math didn’t add up. Perhaps, we should use these two standards to see how Barack Obama’s plan stacks up. There is more than a little irony in Barack Obama criticizing others for not providing details or for their math not adding up. …

Why the Founders Matter »

Securing the Blessing of Liberty to Ourselves and Our Posterity

by Scott L. Vanatter

The things of politics and public policy are of deep import. It takes time, experience, and careful and ponderous and even solemn thoughts to inform whether and how we act. Politicians, by their words or policies, either expand or contract the frontiers of our freedoms. We, The People, need to encourage and benefit from its progress, …

Two Thoughts on Navigating the “Fiscal Cliff” »

“The ability of the American people to watch the [‘Fiscal Cliff’] sausage made and [to] read the contract before signing is a better guardian of our future than the hurried endorsements of the Washington establishment based on private assurances of politicians.”

by Grover Norquist

On January 1, 2013 three things happen:

First, the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts lapse along with a number of temporary tax reductions that have been …

Rethinking American Foreign Policy »

Dr. Miklos K. Radvanyi

On January 20, 2013, the United States of America will either have Barack Hussein Obama for four more years or will have a new president, the Republican Willard Mitt Romney, with a new House of Representatives and a new Senate.  Be that as it may, the continuation of the Obama presidency, or alternatively the transfer of power to the new Romney administration, will be accompanied by …

Rejecting the Constitution: John Roberts' and America's Shame »

What we learn from the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on Obamacare …

First, the individual mandate is not constitutional under the commerce clause. So ruled the Supreme Court. This was always obviously and self-evidently the case. But in a bizarre twist of events the Court upheld the healthcare mandate on grounds that Congress has broad powers under the Constitution to tax and that as a tax the individual mandate is …

Fast and Furious: Executive Privilege or Cover-up? »

By George Landrith & Miklos Radvanyi

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), which is part of the Department of Justice, ran the Fast and Furious “gun-walking” operation in which government agents purposely facilitated the sale of thousands of guns to the Mexican drug cartels. Hundreds of those Fast and Furious guns have been used in a long litany of drug-related murders along both sides of our southern border. …

Immigration: Learn before you Legislate »

by:  Ricardo Inzunza, PhD

Passage of “the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act” or “IRCA” as it was euphemistically called, and its companion legislation, “The Immigration Act of 1990”, or “IMMACT 90” brought talk about immigration reform in America to a screeching halt. After years of give and take, on both sides of the issue, legislation was finally in place, which would solve our immigration woes, or so most of …

Conservatives Snatching Defeat From the Jaws of Victory »

When I was a kid, there was a very simply rule of conduct, people in polite society did NOT talk about politics, religion, sex, or money in public.

In fact, unless you lived in the proverbial “one horse town,” your neighbors probably wouldn’t have any idea what church you attended.

A man’s vote or support for a candidate was a private matter and people who wore support pins did so …

