Another Attempt to Control the Electorate Done By Obama…this Time Personally »

           If you are a political analyst like my colleagues and myself you knew firsthand what Obama was going to do to the nation even before Election Day approached. However, even the most right wing pundit was surprised when it began to come out that during his White House term, Obama wasn’t just controlling corporations but also elections. …

Obama Knew All and Did Nothing »

From day one of the spill, we have seen that it has left more than tragedy and waste in its path but also a magnifying of exactly what our White House holds: Zero real leadership and continuous degradation of the U.S. Constitution.  While many political experts have said time and time again that our Commander is no more a leader than Kim Jong-il is a fan of freedom, the American …

America Deserves the Apology »

BP is deserving of no apology; the real apology, should be to the American people. What is the real “shakedown” are the actions taken by the Obama Administration in order to milk whatever they can get from the BP spill aftermath. While they are happily having speeches cloaked in actions toward BP when in reality are a push for pending legislation, the actions that they are supposedly forcing against BP …

Conservative Organizations Yell: Keep Out Kagen! »

Tomorrow, Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) along with Young Americas Foundation and other conservative political organizations will be joining together to contact their Senators against Obama’s current Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagen.

Citing factors such as her actions against the military’s right to be on campuses, her Princeton thesis lamenting the decline of socialism in America and other objectives, coalitions such as the Clare Booth Luce Policy Instituted and the …

