The Unacceptable Tolerance of the Abuse of Truth »

by Dr. Miklos K. Radvanyi

The history of terrorism and its essence can be encapsulated in a single sentence.  Terrorism has always been the barbaric ideology of tiny psychopathic minorities possessed by xenophobic hatred toward any concept of normalcy and peace.  Accordingly, the more a terrorist movement has degenerated into irrationally destructive violence, the less relevant it has become for any future development. Correspondingly, terrorists who have been characterized throughout …

Next generation ICBM should be the result of robust competition »

By George Landrith    •    President, Frontiers of Freedom

America’s Minuteman Inter-continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) was first deployed in 1962 in the cold war environment of “Mutually Assured Destruction” and was a system designed to last 10 years.  The system has been updated over 50 to 60 years to keep pace with the growing threat of adversarial nations but the aging system requires a complete overhaul to assure continued deterrence for …

This is the Result of an Obscure Movie? Really? »

If Team Obama can’t get this basic fact right, we cannot seriously expect them to get anything else right.

by George Landrith

Despite the overwhelming facts, the Administration continues to pretend that the attack on the American consulate in Libya on September 11, 2012 was a spontaneous protest of Muslim offended by a YouTube video.

Independent media reports say that Libyan security officials warned US officials of the risks of …

Media Upset that Violence in Middle East Is Distracting from Story They Want to Tell »

The mainstream media is treating the ongoing Middle East turmoil as an unfortunate distraction from the “real story” that they would like to shove down the public’s throat – that Mitt Romney is incompetent. The media’s tortured narrative ignores the facts and relies upon double standards so offensive that even the truly dull-witted and see the fallacy.

Reporters are incensed that Romney would “politicize” a matter of national security. However, …

Skipping More than Half of His Security Briefings and Leading from Behind »

by George Landrith

On the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks, two American embassies (or consulates) were attacked and breached – one in Libya and one in Egypt. Four American diplomats were assassinated by these coordinated attacks. We now know that security was almost non-existent in Libya and that at least some of the locally hired security detail actually helped the attackers locate and target our diplomats. And …

Four Years of Projected Weakness: Death and Attacks on US Embassies »

“We condemn the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims.” – Obama Administration

“I strongly condemn the outrageous attack on our diplomatic facility in Benghazi (Libya).” – Obama Statement (No mention was made of the act of war when the Muslim Brotherhood attacked the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt.)

On the 11th Anniversary of the September 11th attacks, the American Embassy in Egypt and the …

Lasting Lessons of September 11, 2001 »

by George Landrith

When Ronald Reagan was asked what his plan was for dealing with the communist threat, he responded, “We win, they lose.” Those four words led to an impressive victory for human freedom around the world. To this day, there are boulevards named after Reagan all over the world in nations that were once dominated and enslaved by communism’s hatred of freedom and lust for control.

In an …

Does anyone really understand what $16 trillion is? »

$16 TRILLION is an astronomical number. If you were to count from 1 to 1 million without stopping (assuming about 1 second per number on average), it would take about 12 days. If you were to count to 1 billion, it would take about 32 years. And if you were to count to 1 trillion, it would take about 31,710 years. And to count out the dollars of our current …

China's Hazardous Present and Uncertain Future »

By Dr.  Miklós K. Radványi

Regardless of their shades, dictatorships universally worship might.  For this fundamental reason, the precarious existence of every revolutionary regime rests on two essential criteria – veneration of those who command power and faith in their ability to perpetuate the status quo.  Having attained absolute power by force in 1949, the Communist Party of China had governed the most populous nation on earth by the myth …

China's Approaching Implosion »

By: Dr. Miklos K. Radvanyi

From its genesis until its overthrow on February 12, 1912, imperial China was driven throughout its history by a permanent tension between the despotic state’s boundless hostility toward society and the violent anti-state sentiments of society.  The result of this uncompromising and—at times— merciless antagonism between the omnipotent state and the ruthlessly oppressed society was a political culture in which absolute power alternated between the …
