Apprentice in Chief »

Presidential campaigns help indentify unelectable kooks like the screaming Howard Dean.   They even help spotlight unprepared candidates like Rick Perry.  They also have low job performance predictive validity.…

Tea Party Endorsement Stress Trauma »

The dreaded PEST is back with a vengeance. 

Post-Election Stress Trauma emerged in the U.S. in 2004 after President Bush won reelection.  The symptoms included feelings of sadness, frustration, isolation, bitterness, moodiness and fear.  In severe cases it elicited irrational impulses to emigrate to Canada or even France.

PEST in 2010 has mutated into the insidious TEAPEST, which stands for Tea Party Endorsement Stress Trauma.  It hit Republicans in the …

Ignorance of Dems is Now Going Too Far »

            Ignorance. It is a factor of the liberal leadership and has been pretty much accepted by aspects of society such as the media.  However, Massachusetts Representative Tierney has given another definition to the word as he consistently states he did not know anything regarding his own wife’s involvement in her brother’s illegal business.…

Using our Rights against Our Own: The 9-11 Mosque and Religious Rights »

       There is one consistent factor of our society which we are seeing more and more: Using our rights against ourselves in order to protect others.  A great recent example is the 9-11 Mosque.  Almost daily, people are debating the 9-11 Mosque and whether it should be placed two blocks where terrorists involved in the same religion took down the twin towers and changed the nation and the world forever.  When …

With Kagan's Nomination, We Get A Lifetime Obama »

      The bottom line, however you want to look at it, to Obama’s selection for Supreme Court is the choice’s reasoning is for his power only.  Not only is Kagan not a correct choice for the nation but for the court as well; especially in this time of war and fiscal challenge.

      No matter who it is, everyone you will speak to about Kagan has their own ideas of her but …

Why are We Suprised? »

Just around MemoGate I was an aspiring reporter who was prepping for a career in investigative journalism. In my spare time, I had a political Internet radio program called The Conservative Watchdog. This was the only place I allowed my political views to surface, especially as a consistent stringer reporter and intern.  While at a New York Conference, I raised my hand to ask about my program and how it …

Democrats’ Reason for Fear of the Immigration Lawsuit Shows How Power Hungry the DNC Is »

Although America has already shown a historic height of dissatisfaction regarding our current President, the most alarming rejection is recently coming from a very surprising sector of politics: members of his own party.  In a recent White House meeting, the nation’s democrat governors grumbled against the recent legal attack on Arizona for their newest immigration enforcement law S.B. 1070. Discussing it Democratic Governor Phil Bredesen said, “Universally the governors are …

Terror Lawyer Tapped to do Obama v. Arizona Lawsuit: Talk about Conflict of Interest »

          Just hours ago it was announced that Tony West, a member of a group of lawyers who have represented terror suspects and are coined as “The Gitmo 9”, will be leading the Obama Administration in their suit against Arizona.  Arguing against the state taking a federal law that the national law enforcement were not using and making it a state requirement, every day this lawsuit shows more and more its …

Another Attempt to Control the Electorate Done By Obama…this Time Personally »

           If you are a political analyst like my colleagues and myself you knew firsthand what Obama was going to do to the nation even before Election Day approached. However, even the most right wing pundit was surprised when it began to come out that during his White House term, Obama wasn’t just controlling corporations but also elections. …

America Deserves the Apology »

BP is deserving of no apology; the real apology, should be to the American people. What is the real “shakedown” are the actions taken by the Obama Administration in order to milk whatever they can get from the BP spill aftermath. While they are happily having speeches cloaked in actions toward BP when in reality are a push for pending legislation, the actions that they are supposedly forcing against BP …
