Current Crop of Candidates Show Tea Party Message Lost on the GOP Establishment »

For a lot of conservatives, 2010 was a year of almost unbridled hope. Thanks to the Tea Party and groups like GOOOH and American Majority it appeared as if the will and desire of the people, in regards to representative government, could be achieved. Men and women from across the country set aside their successful careers, privacy, and their anonymity and jumped into the political ring of fire.

The Founding …

Reid’s former Press Secretary Situation Screams Another Threat To Our Nation »

Political offices have their own personalities, usually reflecting either the leadership or the party involved.  However, there is an unspoken rule and understanding that whatever you do or have done can and will affect your political boss.  In turn, the political leader has a consistent requirement to know pretty much everything about you and the people you commiserate with.  Factors of the relationship such as a romantic involvement, professional partnership …

The Tea Party: Midterm Implications & Beyond »

As we inch closer to November 2nd, a burgeoning political bandwagon finds itself emboldened day by day. It is hard to escape the constant chatter regarding its representatives and their so-far-down-the-right isle-you-might-pass-Bill O’ Reilly, ideology. There is no doubt many predict this being perhaps a ‘tea party’ election, but is it really fair to say that this brand new force in American politics will be the determinant behind a probable …

Media: Charachter only Matters if you are Republican »

“He jumped out of his chair and grabbed her about the neck as he slammed her into the refrigerator. He then grabbed her about both arms, shaking her as they both went over to the kitchen counter, which Mrs. Wilson struck with enough force to take the breath out of her. She then fell to the floor, hitting the bottom door to the sink. As she laid there stunned, she …

What the GOP Pledge Reflects and Why We Need To Stand By It »

            When the Pledge to America was first announced, it immediately met backlash from the other side of the aisle. President Obama began a tour dedicated specifically to breaking down the plan’s items one by one.  While to many political strategists, this response may be seen as politics as usual, there are many holes in the argument that show his plans and the plans of his liberal followers may be sinking …
