by Dr. Miklos K. Radvanyi

Anti-Judaism is a time-worn political-religious-cultural phenomenon.  From the seminal works of many ancient Egyptian priests and through the equally monstrous amount of writings by countless Christian and Muslim authors, they all undertook to contemplate their communities’ relations to the rigidly monotheistic Jews that they also called the “callous and bigoted Sons of Israel.”  Even before Karl Marx’s “On the Jewish Question” in the middle of …


 By Miklos K. Radvanyi

From its inception and throughout its terror-stained history, the so-called Soviet Empire of the post-World War II waggled chaotically over the bottomless abyss of political, economic, financial, moral as well as ideological extermination.  In permanent wars with its real cum invented enemies at home and abroad, the Soviet Union’s stinking corpse has left a ubiquitous legacy of tyrannical intolerance as well as an all consuming hatred …

The Afterlife of Mahātmā Gandhi – a Peaceful Warrior »

By András Sándor Kocsis

“A creative person is one who thinks differently from others, and acts differently from others” – András Sándor Kocsis.

1. Solidarity

Animals are preserved by their innate genetic programming, which will provide them with definitive guidance on where they belong, what the most suitable habitat is for them, who their enemies and friends are. Humans, on the other hand, are born alone, and were it not …

The Illogic and Immorality of Internal Hatred of Jews »

by Dr. Miklos K. Radvanyi

Today, a limitless number of fatalistically misguided misanthropic minorities with ubiquitously hateful pseudo-political ideologies violently squall for the absolute transformation of the world into anarchistically destructive miniature tribal entities. These self-absorbed egomaniac dwarf tyrants who only care about satisfying their own perverse desires at the expense of even their closest kin are, in reality, the products of sick ideologies that call for the merciless destruction …

The Unacceptable Tolerance of the Abuse of Truth »

by Dr. Miklos K. Radvanyi

The history of terrorism and its essence can be encapsulated in a single sentence.  Terrorism has always been the barbaric ideology of tiny psychopathic minorities possessed by xenophobic hatred toward any concept of normalcy and peace.  Accordingly, the more a terrorist movement has degenerated into irrationally destructive violence, the less relevant it has become for any future development. Correspondingly, terrorists who have been characterized throughout …

The Fog of Senseless Abominations »

by Dr. Miklos K. Radvanyi

From time immemorial, it had been a favorite pastime of historians, philosophers, theologians, politicians as well as adventurers of all persuasions to provide answers and even harebrained solutions to the seemingly insoluble puzzle of enduring anti-Judaism across the globe.  The list of hate inspired atrocities against the believers in Judaism is almost as long as the history of mankind.  Starting with the ancient Egyptians, continuing …

From Cradle of Judea-Christian Civilization to Litmus Test of Democracy »

By Dr. Miklos K. Radvanyi

In a global historical perspective, carrying on  paradoxical wars against the past by terroristically destroying themselves as well as others, have been the eternal undertakings of all those individuals, ethnic groups as well as nations who have felt – rightly or wrongly – that their positions in the present and their prospects for the future are bordering on utter nothingness without any likelihood of significant …

Dr. Rand Paul: It Is Time to Reconsider Unscientific COVID Mandates »

By Doctor Rand Paul

I think we can all agree the Senate wouldn’t function very well without the pages.

The very first Senate page was a nine-year-old boy named Grafton Hanson who was appointed by Daniel Webster back in 1829.  Back in those days, the pages had to refill ink wells and clean out spittoons.

Things have changed a little bit around here since then. The work isn’t quite as …

“The CLEAN Future Act” Guarantees Dramatically More Expensive and Less Reliable Energy »

By George Landrith    •    Pres., Frontiers of Freedom

Democrats on the House Energy & Commerce Committee have introduced a relabeled and slightly revised bill from the past and given it the inaccurate and misleading name “the CLEAN Future Act.”  This bill is aimed at restricting and reducing the use of reliable energy sources, and mandating and increasing the use of unreliable energy sources.  This will make energy more substantially expensive …

Our Constitution Doesn’t Take a Holiday  »

by Horace Cooper   Americans enjoyed their Thanksgiving time with family last week and simultaneously discovered a special treat.   In a per curiam opinion the Supreme Court sided with the religiously faithful against unfair regulation by the state of New York.     In Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn, New York v. Cuomo the Supreme Court granted a restraining order which prevents New York Gov. Cuomo’s Executive Order 202.68 – a coronavirus directive…
