The Frontiers of Freedom Weekly Report – Episode 172 »

George Landrith, Dr. Joe Mangiacotti, Dr. Larry Fedewa, and Tom Donelson discuss:

Speaker Mike Johnson: No more money for Ukraine until Biden supports needed immigration reform and border security

How did intelligence miss the October 7th Hamas attacks?

Why is Gen Z turning against western civilization and the principles of freedom and liberty? 

Iran’s role in Hamas attacks and why won’t Biden seriously respond to attacks upon US military? 


“The CLEAN Future Act” Guarantees Dramatically More Expensive and Less Reliable Energy »

By George Landrith    •    Pres., Frontiers of Freedom

Democrats on the House Energy & Commerce Committee have introduced a relabeled and slightly revised bill from the past and given it the inaccurate and misleading name “the CLEAN Future Act.”  This bill is aimed at restricting and reducing the use of reliable energy sources, and mandating and increasing the use of unreliable energy sources.  This will make energy more substantially expensive …

America's Embarassing Energy Debacle »

by George C. Landrith

President Barack Obama has been criticized by both supporters and critics for making and then breaking too many campaign promises. Whether it was closing Guantanamo, ending the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, allowing five days of public debate before signing legislation, slashing earmarks, or permitting no tax increases on those earning less than $250,000, President Obama has fallen far short of his promises. But there is …

Apprentice in Chief »

Presidential campaigns help indentify unelectable kooks like the screaming Howard Dean.   They even help spotlight unprepared candidates like Rick Perry.  They also have low job performance predictive validity.…

Socialism no Longer on the Frontier »

Many refuse to believe Socialism is as close to America, something it was not founded on, as it is. We may start to see socialism initiated by the election this fall. The ominous harbinger—the outgoing of Senator Christopher Dodd (D/Ct).…

Obama's Faith in Government Force »

By David Harsanyi

With midterm elections approaching, President Barack Obama has gone on the charm offensive, claiming Republicans are demonstrating a “lack of faith in the American people.”

“Faith” often is defined as “having confidence or trust in a person or thing.” In this case, though, faith means adding another $35 billion in unemployment benefits to the infinite intergenerational tab — sometimes referred to as the budget — and mailing …

Is Obama Showing Enough Emotion? »

President Obama has recently been criticized by those on the right and on the left for not showing enough passion in his efforts to combat the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Oh, boy! Give me a break! I don’t give a flying flip about how much emotion he shows.

I’m concerned about competence. I want Obama, BP officials, and all the others involved in the situation to …

Oil Spill in Gulf Could be Positive after All »

Eleven dead. Hundreds out of work. Thousands of wildlife coated with oil and likely will not survive the night. The pessimists continually talk about the leak size from the Deepwater Horizon. Nature is guaranteed to hurt for months—much more so for the gulf residents dependent on wildlife for a living.

The ‘forgotten’ part is 3 separate leaks from Deepwater piping are overcoming a mile of seawater pressure (2250psi) from the …

Our Caudillo President »

By Ben Stein

As I write this on Monday night, there are rumors around that BP will agree to President Barack Obama’s demand that the oil giant “voluntarily” put about $30 billion into a fund to be administered by the government to compensate victims of the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster.

Now, no one disputes that this is a real disaster and that BP acted irresponsibly in commissioning Trans-Ocean and …
