This is the Result of an Obscure Movie? Really? »

If Team Obama can’t get this basic fact right, we cannot seriously expect them to get anything else right.

by George Landrith

Despite the overwhelming facts, the Administration continues to pretend that the attack on the American consulate in Libya on September 11, 2012 was a spontaneous protest of Muslim offended by a YouTube video.

Independent media reports say that Libyan security officials warned US officials of the risks of …

Media Upset that Violence in Middle East Is Distracting from Story They Want to Tell »

The mainstream media is treating the ongoing Middle East turmoil as an unfortunate distraction from the “real story” that they would like to shove down the public’s throat – that Mitt Romney is incompetent. The media’s tortured narrative ignores the facts and relies upon double standards so offensive that even the truly dull-witted and see the fallacy.

Reporters are incensed that Romney would “politicize” a matter of national security. However, …

The Obama Press is Shameless »

Yesterday, the media stepped in it again and showed how deeply dishonest and deceitful they are. An open microphone at the Romney press conference caught reporters strategizing how to cast Mitt Romney has the bad guy because he had dared to be critical of the Obama Administration’s weak initial response to the violence in Cairo and the assassination in Libya.

Reporters were picked up by the mic planning to repeatedly …

Dishonest Political Fact Checkers and the Pinocchio Press »

by James Taranto

In the 19th-century fairy tale “The Adventures of Pinocchio,” the eponymous protagonist is a wooden puppet who dreams of becoming an actual boy. We suppose people who work as fact checkers have long dreamed of becoming writers and editors, who enjoy, respectively, the glory and the power in journalism.

The new face of journalism?

Outside the world of journalism, fact checkers were pretty much unknown until recently. …

Lamestream Media Weenies »

The mainstream media has been dishing up a bunch of contaminated wienerschnitzel.

It’s no secret the mainstream media wallows in leftist propaganda, but when confronted with the proposition that most American journalists are registered Democrats they assure us they compartmentalize their personal views form their reporting.

Even if one is gullible enough to accept this it still begs the question of their choice of stories. Consider that Brian Williams, the …
