Conservative Organizations Yell: Keep Out Kagen!

Posted by on Jun 7th, 2010 and filed under Legal, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

Tomorrow, Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) along with Young Americas Foundation and other conservative political organizations will be joining together to contact their Senators against Obama’s current Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagen.

Citing factors such as her actions against the military’s right to be on campuses, her Princeton thesis lamenting the decline of socialism in America and other objectives, coalitions such as the Clare Booth Luce Policy Instituted and the Judicial Crisis Network are urging citizens to contact their legislators against the nominee through the Capitol Hill Switchboard at 202-224-3121.

“Her record on abortion, donations to pro-abortion organizations and work while in the Clinton Administration shows I am a 100 percent confident she will be a pro-abortion justice in the Supreme Court.” Kristan Hawkins, Executive Director Of Students for Life said.

With the hearings set for June 30th and reports of papers slowly coming from resources whose offices Kagen served such as the President Clinton Archives, time is running short but the strength against Kagen seems to be very strong.

“We are one vote away from the Supreme Court reversing Roe vs. Wade, the decision which legalized abortion; to a pro-lifer the appointment of a pro-choice justice on the Supreme Court means thousands of lives will be snuffed out because of President Obama’s nomination,” Hawkins continued.

Jordan Marks, Executive Director of Young Americans for Freedom said, “Kagen is a self identified socialist, nominated by Obama to carry out his socialist policies.”

The Young Americans For Freedom have also called Kagen a person who has continuously trampled on student and individual rights, arguing that the government has the right to ban or censor certain publications. They hence conclude her confirmation can and will result in the destruction of many human rights and freedoms.

“Kagen’s only established track record is of violating student’s constitutional rights, which can be best exemplified by her work to take military recruiters off campus and censor student publications.” Marks said.

Organizations joining Young America’s Foundation in this fight include but are not limited to: Young Americans for Freedom, Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute, Citizens United, Eagle Forum, Judicial Crisis Network, Council for America, Let Freedom Ring, Religious Freedom Coalition, Gun Owners of America and Students for Life, Young Conservatives Coalition, 60 Plus Association.

“We as Americans need to defend the Constitution from Elena Kagen because it defends Americans.” Marks said.

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