With Kagan's Nomination, We Get A Lifetime Obama

Posted by on Aug 5th, 2010 and filed under Legal, Politics, Presidency, Supreme Court. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

      The bottom line, however you want to look at it, to Obama’s selection for Supreme Court is the choice’s reasoning is for his power only.  Not only is Kagan not a correct choice for the nation but for the court as well; especially in this time of war and fiscal challenge.

      No matter who it is, everyone you will speak to about Kagan has their own ideas of her but the one thing that stands out within everyone’s response is clear: “No experience in the judicial chambers.” Although many follow that up with other previous members of the Supreme Court and their glowing background as justices, it is not just the experience but what comes along with it that we should be just as concerned with.  It is the timing of her arrival.


            We are in a time of incredible crisis and, while we await the end of Obama’s reign so we can fully restore ourselves, to place another politically questionable newbie into a lifetime appointment will place us in an even worse place than we are now.  Further, even when you look at her experience, some which we have seen through the documents allowed by the Obama Administration, you see very strong opinions for the most recently examined and questioned factors of society. 

       When President Obama was a freshman Senator, he left a lot of markings which, if really examined, would have been warning signs to his plans for power.  When it comes to Kagan, we see the same thing through instances such as her attempt to create a bench for herself in less stronghold positions such as President of a law school to evade the military from entering for recruitment purposes. 

            Another aspect we should be focusing on is the fact that we, being a nation that is gradually being sold off by a President in Training, should realize putting training wheels on a higher office for anyone leads to dramatic results and aftermaths.  If she is placed in this position, we cannot fire her and she will not leave for decades through which she will affect our nation even past her lifetime.  This price is a mere fraction we are paying now for allowing our Commander in Training and one we cannot pay; especially now.

           One thing which we can take from the error that is Obama is a lesson which should be learned fast: Training wheels are not allowed on any factor of our Government.

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