Alex Sink: Daniel Webster 2010, Alan Grayson 2012?

Posted by on Oct 25th, 2010 and filed under Defense. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

This term will see redistricting, a once in a decade process by which all congressional, state level and regional seats are redrawn.  We need to work hard to elect a Republican governor, unless we want to cede as many as 6 congressional seats to the Democrats.

As of this email, Sandy Adams is poised to beat Suzanne Kosmas.  We may well be on track to seeing Allen West elected to Congress in South Florida.  Alan Grayson appears to be going down to defeat in FL-8.

But elect Alex Sink as governor and Alan Grayson, Suzanne Kosmas, Alan Boyd and Ron Klein may well be back in two years, not to mention the future of the two new seats being gained by Florida in the process.

The Governor has veto power over any redistricting plan.  A Republican governor helps ensure that these seats stay Republican.  A Democrat governor would demand compromise from the Florida House and it’s doubtful that Tallahassee leadership would hold the line in great enough numbers and have the media savvy to win that battle.

That’s why electing Rick Scott is absolutely crucial to the Republican effort and why his race is the most important one in Florida in the 2010 election cycle.

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