What is government's role in social programs? Part I

Posted by on Dec 11th, 2010 and filed under Government Spending, Legal. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

There is no question society has a responsibility to care for the poor and needy. Both major religions and governments recognize this. However, in these days of gazillion dollar deficits and the need for budget control.

Five hundred years before Christ, the Jews were instructed not to oppress the poor as they showed mercy and compassion. About 600 years later, the Christian church required Paul to remember the poor as he set off on his missionary journeys.

A question to consider is: Whose responsibility is it to care for the poor, an individual’s, religious institutions and/or governments?

While the same religions listed above and others believe family members have the responsibility of caring for the elderly, too often the aged are simply dumped in death-staging grounds, but that is a column for another time. This one is about the poor.

The Constitution and Bill of Rights explain how the United States is supposed to interact between states, nations and U.S. citizens. They do not include language about “government benefits.” To the contrary, the expectation was people would work and pay their way. The government was asked to stay out of the way.

1 Response for “What is government's role in social programs? Part I”

  1. John Steinsvold says:

    An Alternative to Capitalism (which will end poverty here in the USA)

    The following link takes you to an essay titled: “Home of the Brave?” which was published by the
    Athenaeum Library of Philosophy:


    John Steinsvold

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