Unions and BLM Activists Feign Support for Blacks »

By Council Nedd

During the Obama Administration, America saw its lowest labor force participation rates since the Carter era. While all groups suffered, blacks suffered disproportionately.

Yet there was nary a peep from the budding Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement back then.

And as jobs in the manufacturing sector left America for China – jobs that paid well and provided great benefits to blacks and whites alike – many union …

Next generation ICBM should be the result of robust competition »

By George Landrith    •    President, Frontiers of Freedom

America’s Minuteman Inter-continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) was first deployed in 1962 in the cold war environment of “Mutually Assured Destruction” and was a system designed to last 10 years.  The system has been updated over 50 to 60 years to keep pace with the growing threat of adversarial nations but the aging system requires a complete overhaul to assure continued deterrence for …

International Trade Is a Critical Part of America’s Economic Strength: Forfeiting Exports Only Benefits Our Competitors »

by George Landrith

International trade is a critical growth engine for the nation’s economic strength and prosperity.  Today, we’re at several crossroads with many of our largest trading partners to ensure the U.S. is not unfairly disadvantaged in the global marketplace.  As the Administration confronts these issues — including at a highly anticipated meeting between President Trump and China’s President Xi at the G-20 Summit this weekend – it’s vital …

Mitt Romney: The Foolish Hatchetman »

by Dr. Miklos K. Radvanyi

Although, despite his two resounding defeats in 2008 for the Republican Party’s nomination, and in 2012 against Barack Obama for the Presidency, no one accused Mitt Romney of not possessing an abundance of political intelligence.In fact, the vast majority of Americans have judged him as a decent individual.  Yet, concealed behind his apparent decency, Romney has decided to succumb to his inner demons of foolish …

ICANN: Change of Leadership, but Same Old Story … »

ICANN still wants a huge gift of taxpayer property worth billions and will savage free speech if it gets its way. 


by George Landrith


Earlier this month, Sweden’s Goran Marby was named the new head of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the nonprofit organization established by Congress to manage Internet addresses. Marby replaces Fadi Chehadé, who for several years has been trying to move …

Monument To Hubris In The Arizona Desert »

by George Landrith

I don’t know if the ancient language of Arizona’s Tohono O’odham Native American tribe includes a word for “hubris” — defined as excessive pride or self-confidence, with synonyms like “arrogance” and “deceit.”

Regardless of whether they have an equivalent word for hubris, the Tohono O’odham Nation (TON) leaders have proven themselves masters of the concept.  And the casino they plan to open December 20th in the Phoenix …

Conservatives have every reason to be optimistic »

Freedom and opportunity are on the horizon with a new crop of principled, capable and positive conservatives. 

by George Landrith   

In the past few weeks and the next couple weeks, we will see most of the expected entrants into the GOP presidential sweepstakes make their plans official. The GOP bench is deep with a number of highly credible and well qualified potential nominees. Part of this deep bench is the …

More “smidgens” of IRS corruption »

by Ed Rogers  •     

Anyone paying attention to the Internal Revenue Service scandal has been waiting for the next smidgen to drop. Well, two more hit pretty hard this week. At the president’s next encounter with the media, I will scream collusion if no one asks him for his exact definition of a “smidgen,” and if he thinks he has seen a smidgen of corruption yet. At this point, only …

Party bosses selling out Free State »

Make no mistake about it from State Board of Elections (SBE) Administrator-for-life Linda Lamone to the legislators who refuse to ask the lieutenant governor what he knew and when he knew it regarding the state healthcare roll out fiasco, Anthony Brown is the Democrat machines’s selection as the next governor of Maryland.…

The Government slow-down: A case study in bad faith politics and failed leadership »

by George Landrith

The Obama administration continues to play politics and operate in perpetual campaign mode, rather than lead or govern. Obama has shutdown portions of the government and even private property owned by American citizens not because the law requires it, but because he sees a political advantage in doing it and then blaming his adversaries. He knows that the mainstream media will gleefully assist him in this endeavor …
