Weak and Mindless Public Discourse: How do you feel about it? »

by George Landrith

The question Left of center is, “How do you feel about it?” How do you feel about ObamaCare? How do you feel about gun violence? Do you feel that the rich pay their fair share? Feelings are legitimate, but they apply to relationships and people, not public policy issues. I love my family. But I think about public policy.

Sadly, too many Americans “feel” about public policy …

5 Myths Liberals Have Created About Themselves »

“Five Myths: 1) Liberals love science, 2) Liberals care about education, 3) Liberals are tolerant, 4) Liberals don’t moralize, 5) Liberals love the poor.”

by John Hawkins

Liberalism is like a restaurant with ugly decor, terrible food, overflowing toilets and roaches scurrying across the floor — that stays packed every night. Sure, liberals may be sanctimonious, mean spirited and advocate policies that don’t work, but you can’t help but admire …

White House Data Debunk Myth Bush Cuts Built Deficit »

“After President Bush in late May 2003 signed the largest tax cut since President Reagan . . . government receipts from individual income taxes rose from $793.7 billion to a peak of $1.16 trillion in 2007, when the mortgage crisis began, a 47% jump.”

by Paul Sperry

While President Obama insists the Bush tax cuts caused the recession and record deficits, his own economists say otherwise.

He might want to …

Federal Spending is the Problem: Defense is Not! »

by George Landrith

With a long history of federal overspending and the recent explosion of more federal debt, it is obvious that the federal budget must be cut back to a reasonable size. We need an intervention. But the Budget Control Act — which would force an “automatic sequester” of $500 billion in across-the-board defense spending cuts over the next decade, in addition to the $487 billion in defense cuts …

The Real Fiscal Cliff »

“After the phony cliff, we face the terrifying one.”

by Conrad Black

Last week, Fareed Zakaria and Charles Krauthammer appeared in Toronto (where I live much of the time), and while I did not go to their main debate, I went to a tasting of it at a luncheon. There was, I regret to write, as a longstanding friend of both of them, a surreal aspect to the exchange. After …

Clinton Era Taxes and Clinton Era Spending »

by George Landrith

With the budget and fiscal crisis facing the United States and difficult economic times surely ahead for the foreseeable future, President Barack Obama has vociferously argued that Republicans must agree to tax increases. He argues for what he terms are modest tax increases on the wealthiest Americans that are equal to the tax rates during President Bill Clinton’s time in office. Why is Obama only interested in …

Why the Founders Matter »

Securing the Blessing of Liberty to Ourselves and Our Posterity

by Scott L. Vanatter

The things of politics and public policy are of deep import. It takes time, experience, and careful and ponderous and even solemn thoughts to inform whether and how we act. Politicians, by their words or policies, either expand or contract the frontiers of our freedoms. We, The People, need to encourage and benefit from its progress, …

Forward? No, we're going backward »

by George Landrith

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden never miss a chance to tell us that the economy is moving in the right direction. They claim they need more time to pull the nation out of the recession that began in 2008.

There are several problems with this line of argument. First, Obama said he would solve this problem in his first term and cut the deficit …

Flashback: The day I am inaugrated Middle East tensions will subside »

On November 23, 2007, then candidate Barack Obama made a bold prediction about himself and how his mere election to the nation’s highest office would ease tensions in the Middle East. No doubt, many Americans believed him and many others optimistically hoped he was right. However, the events of the past week prove that Obama was wrong and that his prediction was just more self-aggrandizing blather. Obama can’t change the …

The Obama Press is Shameless »

Yesterday, the media stepped in it again and showed how deeply dishonest and deceitful they are. An open microphone at the Romney press conference caught reporters strategizing how to cast Mitt Romney has the bad guy because he had dared to be critical of the Obama Administration’s weak initial response to the violence in Cairo and the assassination in Libya.

Reporters were picked up by the mic planning to repeatedly …
