What the GOP Pledge Reflects and Why We Need To Stand By It »

            When the Pledge to America was first announced, it immediately met backlash from the other side of the aisle. President Obama began a tour dedicated specifically to breaking down the plan’s items one by one.  While to many political strategists, this response may be seen as politics as usual, there are many holes in the argument that show his plans and the plans of his liberal followers may be sinking …

Generation Y Workers Are Special Cases »

Generation Y workers are getting a cold dose of reality during this recession:  they’re not particularly special after all. …

Will Obama Outsource US Airlift to Russia or France? »

With the headlines dominated by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, a controversial recess appointment, and Cold-war-era spy swaps, it is easy to lose sight of some very important national security issues. How the government spends money is often the real policy more than press secretary statements. With Congress considering defense appropriations, an important question is whether Congress and the President will provide our military with the equipment …

The financial services 'reform' mess »

By J.C. Watts

During my service in Congress, whenever legislation was dubbed “reform” it was especially necessary to analyze the details and consequences. So it is with congressional passage of President Barack Obama’s financial services “reform”– the biggest expansion of government power over banks and private markets since the Great Depression.

The Wall Street Journal reports that the 2,300-page law– crafted by Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., and Rep. Barney Frank, …

Business undermined by greedy politicians »

By T.R. Fehrenbach

President Calvin Coolidge said that the business of America was business, for which he was castigated or ridiculed by the aboriginal American intelligentsia.

Coolidge was disdained because he didn’t do much in office, but few presidents did unless faced with wars, rebellion, or other crises.

But the fact is, old Cal was right. Business is the thing most Americans do best, even better than government.

Everything that …

Recess missing one key demand from the Obama/Pelosi Led House »

            The one thing Obama seemed to pride himself on was that his legislative majority, especially in the house, was behind him.  When ObamaCare was signed into law, it was called a triumph by many of the liberal Representatives who supported it.  However, when it came to actually supporting it on their land via health-care town halls the left sang a completely different tune.…

Obama should be pro-market, not pro-business »

By James Pethokoukis

Should the Obamacrats be friendlier to Corporate America? Big Business has certainly amped up its kvetching of late. But it’s not Washington’s job to be pro-business and make nice with CEOs. That smells of crony capitalism and often just means rewarding big campaign contributors with government favors. The better measure of any given Washington policy is whether it respects markets.

To hear many U.S. CEOs tell it …

The Difference Between Rights and Entitlements »

Some people, especially so-called progressives, do not seem to understand the difference between rights and entitlements. So, for their edification, I’m going to try to explain the distinction between these two concepts.

Rights are God-given. Other people can take them away, and may also defend them for you, but they cannot give them to you. Rights include the freedom to do as one pleases (within certain limitations) and the opportunity …

Why we must be free to fail »

By Michael Goodwin

At first glance, the idea that we are losing the freedom to fail sounds like a reason to celebrate. Losing the chance to fail should also mean we’re guaranteed to win, right?

Wrong. Misguided social perfectionists have given failure a bad rap, and too many of us have bought into their foolish view.

The economic meltdown of 2008 and 2009 put on vivid display this clash of …

Business-Power Neglect »

By Larry Kudlow

This whole debate about government stimulus versus austerity, and the impact of these policies on economic growth, misses a key point: It is business, not government, that creates jobs.

The economic power of business is the missing link in the faux debate that is now raging over spending and deficit policies. A brief look at the recent jobs report for June tells this story. After spending more …

