Don't 'Commit to Vote' »

Barack Obama, via Twitter, once again sounded the call to his supporters to encourage voting this time via the Facebook application, “Commit To Vote,” on Thursday, October 28, 2010.  The application’s development was funded by Organizing for America, a community organizing project of the Democratic National Committee.  Although the app is not partisan in nature it raises some serious privacy concerns, and it encourages more mindless, uneducated activism.…

Obama Knew All and Did Nothing »

From day one of the spill, we have seen that it has left more than tragedy and waste in its path but also a magnifying of exactly what our White House holds: Zero real leadership and continuous degradation of the U.S. Constitution.  While many political experts have said time and time again that our Commander is no more a leader than Kim Jong-il is a fan of freedom, the American …
