Conservative Organizations Yell: Keep Out Kagen! »

Tomorrow, Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) along with Young Americas Foundation and other conservative political organizations will be joining together to contact their Senators against Obama’s current Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagen.

Citing factors such as her actions against the military’s right to be on campuses, her Princeton thesis lamenting the decline of socialism in America and other objectives, coalitions such as the Clare Booth Luce Policy Instituted and the …

Another Job Offer from the White House Shows the Filth of Obama’s Political Agenda »

After starting to settle into the idea that the issue regarding their offer to Democratic Candidate Joe Sestak was starting to see the road to the archives and out of the current events sections of newspapers and news programs, The White House awoke to another hit. Current Colorado Democratic Candidate Andrew Romanoff, it has been reported was also offered a position in exchange for dropping out of the current race.…

Obama Assists American Disconnect on Memorial Day by Returning Home »

A recent USA Today article discussed how there is a great disconnect between American families and military families on the holiday which should result in immense thankfulness to our nation’s soldiers.  As it summarizes the issue with Paul Rieckhoff of the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America stating “The average American family…goes to a barbecue (and) the average military family goes to a cemetery,” our current President’s recent actions did …

America to ICE: We Don’t Care What You Think..Just Do Your Job »

It is now more obvious that America is being invaded from within.  Not only does our current administration allow us to be verbally accosted by the president of the same nation that has threatened our security and economy in our legislative halls, the head of a Federal Agency is threatening to refuse to work with Arizona in registering and deport illegal aliens sent by the state because he “doesn’t like …

Three Ways the Financial Reform Bill Limits Your Freedom »

Senator Dodd’s financial reform bill which supposedly calls for financial regulatory reform, despite the GOP lifting the blockade is still a threat to our nation. Once again, our Democratic majority has skipped over what our nation needs in order to do nothing more than create more titles for their higher ups and limit our freedoms through so-called “Financial reform” agenda items. Although many threaten financial futures, it is limits to …
