Israel and the Bigoted Morons »

Dr. Miklos K. Radvanyi

The gravest threat to the future of mankind is not global warming, overpopulation, mass migration and local wars, but the overarching gradual intellectual degradation of the moral, cultural as well as political sanity across the globe.  Accordingly, there are fundamental correlations among the countless disorders in all the continents, which in turn lend a ruthless actuality to the present bloody chaos in the Middle East, more …

America’s Unsustainable Disunity »

Dr. Miklos K. Radvanyi

I was ten years old when I left Matyas Rakosi’s Stalinist Hungary.  After living in a democracy abroad, I returned to the country of my birth five years later and realized that I cannot live in a state ruled by a radically dehumanizing tyranny bent on annihilating the individual’s inherent sovereignty.  This incontrovertible truth was brutally suppressed by the mendacious official propaganda, according to which both …


by Dr. Miklos K. Radvanyi

Oh, here we go again.  The most recent occasion for all the negligible minutemen in politics and in the media to fall over each other with the excitement of a newborn child who just left the womb of his or her mother happens to be the result of the Iranian presidential election.  Eager to prove their tirelessly irrational optimism about the reformability of the Iranian …


by Dr. Miklos K. Radvanyi

Anti-Judaism is a time-worn political-religious-cultural phenomenon.  From the seminal works of many ancient Egyptian priests and through the equally monstrous amount of writings by countless Christian and Muslim authors, they all undertook to contemplate their communities’ relations to the rigidly monotheistic Jews that they also called the “callous and bigoted Sons of Israel.”  Even before Karl Marx’s “On the Jewish Question” in the middle of …
