America’s Unsustainable Disunity »

Dr. Miklos K. Radvanyi

I was ten years old when I left Matyas Rakosi’s Stalinist Hungary.  After living in a democracy abroad, I returned to the country of my birth five years later and realized that I cannot live in a state ruled by a radically dehumanizing tyranny bent on annihilating the individual’s inherent sovereignty.  This incontrovertible truth was brutally suppressed by the mendacious official propaganda, according to which both …

The Frontiers of Freedom Weekly Report – Episode 172 »

George Landrith, Dr. Joe Mangiacotti, Dr. Larry Fedewa, and Tom Donelson discuss:

Speaker Mike Johnson: No more money for Ukraine until Biden supports needed immigration reform and border security

How did intelligence miss the October 7th Hamas attacks?

Why is Gen Z turning against western civilization and the principles of freedom and liberty? 

Iran’s role in Hamas attacks and why won’t Biden seriously respond to attacks upon US military? 


“The CLEAN Future Act” Guarantees Dramatically More Expensive and Less Reliable Energy »

By George Landrith    •    Pres., Frontiers of Freedom

Democrats on the House Energy & Commerce Committee have introduced a relabeled and slightly revised bill from the past and given it the inaccurate and misleading name “the CLEAN Future Act.”  This bill is aimed at restricting and reducing the use of reliable energy sources, and mandating and increasing the use of unreliable energy sources.  This will make energy more substantially expensive …

Unions and BLM Activists Feign Support for Blacks »

By Council Nedd

During the Obama Administration, America saw its lowest labor force participation rates since the Carter era. While all groups suffered, blacks suffered disproportionately.

Yet there was nary a peep from the budding Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement back then.

And as jobs in the manufacturing sector left America for China – jobs that paid well and provided great benefits to blacks and whites alike – many union …

International Trade Is a Critical Part of America’s Economic Strength: Forfeiting Exports Only Benefits Our Competitors »

by George Landrith

International trade is a critical growth engine for the nation’s economic strength and prosperity.  Today, we’re at several crossroads with many of our largest trading partners to ensure the U.S. is not unfairly disadvantaged in the global marketplace.  As the Administration confronts these issues — including at a highly anticipated meeting between President Trump and China’s President Xi at the G-20 Summit this weekend – it’s vital …

Conservatives Want Prescription Drug Reform »

by George Landrith

When the Affordable Care Act was debated and passed, Americans were promised that a typical family would save $2,500 a year due to the act’s provisions. Yet, costs have continued to rise. In particular, prescription costs have been rising at an alarming rate — rocking upward by 20% from 2013 to the 2015. 

Some may assume that Americans are burned out on debating healthcare issues given the …

Chappelle-Nadal’s Plans for Westlake Almost As Bad As Her Posts on Social Media »

by Crystal Wright

Some elected officials embarrass us by what they do, don’t do or say.

Take Missouri State Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal for example. This longtime black Democrat crossed the line when she announced on social media her hope that President Donald J. Trump would be “assassinated” because she didn’t like the way he responded to events in Charlottesville, Virginia. Whether one agrees or disagrees with an elected official, it …

ICANN: Change of Leadership, but Same Old Story … »

ICANN still wants a huge gift of taxpayer property worth billions and will savage free speech if it gets its way. 


by George Landrith


Earlier this month, Sweden’s Goran Marby was named the new head of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the nonprofit organization established by Congress to manage Internet addresses. Marby replaces Fadi Chehadé, who for several years has been trying to move …

Monument To Hubris In The Arizona Desert »

by George Landrith

I don’t know if the ancient language of Arizona’s Tohono O’odham Native American tribe includes a word for “hubris” — defined as excessive pride or self-confidence, with synonyms like “arrogance” and “deceit.”

Regardless of whether they have an equivalent word for hubris, the Tohono O’odham Nation (TON) leaders have proven themselves masters of the concept.  And the casino they plan to open December 20th in the Phoenix …

Conservatives have every reason to be optimistic »

Freedom and opportunity are on the horizon with a new crop of principled, capable and positive conservatives. 

by George Landrith   

In the past few weeks and the next couple weeks, we will see most of the expected entrants into the GOP presidential sweepstakes make their plans official. The GOP bench is deep with a number of highly credible and well qualified potential nominees. Part of this deep bench is the …
