Reid’s former Press Secretary Situation Screams Another Threat To Our Nation »

Political offices have their own personalities, usually reflecting either the leadership or the party involved.  However, there is an unspoken rule and understanding that whatever you do or have done can and will affect your political boss.  In turn, the political leader has a consistent requirement to know pretty much everything about you and the people you commiserate with.  Factors of the relationship such as a romantic involvement, professional partnership …

Ignorance of Dems is Now Going Too Far »

            Ignorance. It is a factor of the liberal leadership and has been pretty much accepted by aspects of society such as the media.  However, Massachusetts Representative Tierney has given another definition to the word as he consistently states he did not know anything regarding his own wife’s involvement in her brother’s illegal business.…

What the GOP Pledge Reflects and Why We Need To Stand By It »

            When the Pledge to America was first announced, it immediately met backlash from the other side of the aisle. President Obama began a tour dedicated specifically to breaking down the plan’s items one by one.  While to many political strategists, this response may be seen as politics as usual, there are many holes in the argument that show his plans and the plans of his liberal followers may be sinking …

With Kagan's Nomination, We Get A Lifetime Obama »

      The bottom line, however you want to look at it, to Obama’s selection for Supreme Court is the choice’s reasoning is for his power only.  Not only is Kagan not a correct choice for the nation but for the court as well; especially in this time of war and fiscal challenge.

      No matter who it is, everyone you will speak to about Kagan has their own ideas of her but …

Silent Raids a Start for Immigration Reform, but Who Will Finish? »

            In an attempt to show face regarding the illegal immigration issue, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency recently began discussing an avenue which they believe shows that they know how to cure the infectious problem.  “Silent Raids”, announced as an immense step in immigration reform, is an activity where Federal Enforcement Agents quietly audit employee records of companies for possible illegal immigrants on their payroll.…

Another Attempt to Control the Electorate Done By Obama…this Time Personally »

           If you are a political analyst like my colleagues and myself you knew firsthand what Obama was going to do to the nation even before Election Day approached. However, even the most right wing pundit was surprised when it began to come out that during his White House term, Obama wasn’t just controlling corporations but also elections. …
