The Republican Agenda: Stand Firm »

Over at there’s a great summation of Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell’s speech given at the Heritage Foundation today.  In his commentary on McConnell’s remarks, Guy Benson concludes that the Senator, along with Representative John Boehner, “…seem to understand that the conservatives that fueled this week’s GOP wave have expectations, and that a failure to address those expectations would be unacceptable and politically costly.”

Let’s hope so.  We have …

Freedom of Speech 101 »

When I began traversing the blog world in 2004 it was commonly argued that the Internet was the last bastion of free speech.  If this argument regarding mainstream media “bias” holds true, then it makes sense that the blogosphere plays home to the last vestiges of communication liberty.  After all, it isn’t like most of us bloggers are actually pulling in a salary and benefits for typing about what we…

Obama’s FCC Pushes its Unauthorized Internet Agenda »

By Seton Motley John Eggerton of Broadcasting & Cable reported:

The Federal Communications Commission-FCC is issuing a public notice to “improve the FCC’s understanding of business broadband needs,” calling it the “next step” advancing the FCC’s small business broadband agenda.   Only one problem with this FCC assertion.  They’re not supposed to have a small business broadband agenda.  Or a broadband agenda.  Or any sort of Internet agenda at all.  The …

Socialism no Longer on the Frontier »

Many refuse to believe Socialism is as close to America, something it was not founded on, as it is. We may start to see socialism initiated by the election this fall. The ominous harbinger—the outgoing of Senator Christopher Dodd (D/Ct).…

No Longer A Rumor: Obama Wants Amnesty »

        The people who watch politics closely expected it, the ones who didn’t assumed it and now we know it. Through an internal U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service memo, the Obama Administration blatantly confirmed amnesty is their number one objective regarding illegal immigration.  Actually calling removal of persons who are not in the United States legally a “threat”, this is not only proof of a Capitol Hill rumor that was just …
