Don't 'Commit to Vote' »

Barack Obama, via Twitter, once again sounded the call to his supporters to encourage voting this time via the Facebook application, “Commit To Vote,” on Thursday, October 28, 2010.  The application’s development was funded by Organizing for America, a community organizing project of the Democratic National Committee.  Although the app is not partisan in nature it raises some serious privacy concerns, and it encourages more mindless, uneducated activism.…

Reid’s former Press Secretary Situation Screams Another Threat To Our Nation »

Political offices have their own personalities, usually reflecting either the leadership or the party involved.  However, there is an unspoken rule and understanding that whatever you do or have done can and will affect your political boss.  In turn, the political leader has a consistent requirement to know pretty much everything about you and the people you commiserate with.  Factors of the relationship such as a romantic involvement, professional partnership …

Ignorance of Dems is Now Going Too Far »

            Ignorance. It is a factor of the liberal leadership and has been pretty much accepted by aspects of society such as the media.  However, Massachusetts Representative Tierney has given another definition to the word as he consistently states he did not know anything regarding his own wife’s involvement in her brother’s illegal business.…

Media: Charachter only Matters if you are Republican »

“He jumped out of his chair and grabbed her about the neck as he slammed her into the refrigerator. He then grabbed her about both arms, shaking her as they both went over to the kitchen counter, which Mrs. Wilson struck with enough force to take the breath out of her. She then fell to the floor, hitting the bottom door to the sink. As she laid there stunned, she …

Obama’s FCC Pushes its Unauthorized Internet Agenda »

By Seton Motley John Eggerton of Broadcasting & Cable reported:

The Federal Communications Commission-FCC is issuing a public notice to “improve the FCC’s understanding of business broadband needs,” calling it the “next step” advancing the FCC’s small business broadband agenda.   Only one problem with this FCC assertion.  They’re not supposed to have a small business broadband agenda.  Or a broadband agenda.  Or any sort of Internet agenda at all.  The …

No Longer A Rumor: Obama Wants Amnesty »

        The people who watch politics closely expected it, the ones who didn’t assumed it and now we know it. Through an internal U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service memo, the Obama Administration blatantly confirmed amnesty is their number one objective regarding illegal immigration.  Actually calling removal of persons who are not in the United States legally a “threat”, this is not only proof of a Capitol Hill rumor that was just …

Recess missing one key demand from the Obama/Pelosi Led House »

            The one thing Obama seemed to pride himself on was that his legislative majority, especially in the house, was behind him.  When ObamaCare was signed into law, it was called a triumph by many of the liberal Representatives who supported it.  However, when it came to actually supporting it on their land via health-care town halls the left sang a completely different tune.…

Why are We Suprised? »

Just around MemoGate I was an aspiring reporter who was prepping for a career in investigative journalism. In my spare time, I had a political Internet radio program called The Conservative Watchdog. This was the only place I allowed my political views to surface, especially as a consistent stringer reporter and intern.  While at a New York Conference, I raised my hand to ask about my program and how it …

Democrats’ Reason for Fear of the Immigration Lawsuit Shows How Power Hungry the DNC Is »

Although America has already shown a historic height of dissatisfaction regarding our current President, the most alarming rejection is recently coming from a very surprising sector of politics: members of his own party.  In a recent White House meeting, the nation’s democrat governors grumbled against the recent legal attack on Arizona for their newest immigration enforcement law S.B. 1070. Discussing it Democratic Governor Phil Bredesen said, “Universally the governors are …

Silent Raids a Start for Immigration Reform, but Who Will Finish? »

            In an attempt to show face regarding the illegal immigration issue, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency recently began discussing an avenue which they believe shows that they know how to cure the infectious problem.  “Silent Raids”, announced as an immense step in immigration reform, is an activity where Federal Enforcement Agents quietly audit employee records of companies for possible illegal immigrants on their payroll.…
