Dr. Rand Paul: It Is Time to Reconsider Unscientific COVID Mandates »

By Doctor Rand Paul

I think we can all agree the Senate wouldn’t function very well without the pages.

The very first Senate page was a nine-year-old boy named Grafton Hanson who was appointed by Daniel Webster back in 1829.  Back in those days, the pages had to refill ink wells and clean out spittoons.

Things have changed a little bit around here since then. The work isn’t quite as …

Conservatives Want Prescription Drug Reform »

by George Landrith

When the Affordable Care Act was debated and passed, Americans were promised that a typical family would save $2,500 a year due to the act’s provisions. Yet, costs have continued to rise. In particular, prescription costs have been rising at an alarming rate — rocking upward by 20% from 2013 to the 2015. 

Some may assume that Americans are burned out on debating healthcare issues given the …

ICANN: Change of Leadership, but Same Old Story … »

ICANN still wants a huge gift of taxpayer property worth billions and will savage free speech if it gets its way. 


by George Landrith


Earlier this month, Sweden’s Goran Marby was named the new head of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the nonprofit organization established by Congress to manage Internet addresses. Marby replaces Fadi Chehadé, who for several years has been trying to move …

Credit Unions Offer Alternative for Consumers and Small Businesses »

Congress Must Act to Lift Restrictions on Consumer Choice and Access to Credit in the Market

by Horace Cooper

Much has been written about the over-reach of Dodd-Frank and the drag that law and its progeny will have on the financial services sector, the economic recovery, and job creation. Evidence continues to mount that the specter of over-regulation is crowding out free market solutions and restricting credit in the markets. …

Olympic Uniform Hypocrisy »

With nothing better to do than challenge the patriotism of a private company, Congress members on both sides of the isle blasted Ralph Lauren and the US Olympic Committee for not creating uniforms made in the US.

Harry Reid said, “I am so upset. I think the Olympic Committee should be ashamed of themselves. I think they should be embarrassed.  I think they should take all the uniforms, put them …

A conservative’s take on the Ex-Im Bank »

As a rock-ribbed conservative, I support the entrepreneurial dynamism of free markets. I believe entrepreneurs are more likely than government bureaucrats to build successful businesses and provide stable, good-paying jobs. I oppose government interference in the marketplace. I want government to spend less, interfere less, do less, and tax less.

So when a few fellow conservatives criticize plans to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank on grounds that it is just another …

Tea Party Endorsement Stress Trauma »

The dreaded PEST is back with a vengeance. 

Post-Election Stress Trauma emerged in the U.S. in 2004 after President Bush won reelection.  The symptoms included feelings of sadness, frustration, isolation, bitterness, moodiness and fear.  In severe cases it elicited irrational impulses to emigrate to Canada or even France.

PEST in 2010 has mutated into the insidious TEAPEST, which stands for Tea Party Endorsement Stress Trauma.  It hit Republicans in the …

Obama’s FCC Pushes its Unauthorized Internet Agenda »

By Seton Motley John Eggerton of Broadcasting & Cable reported:

The Federal Communications Commission-FCC is issuing a public notice to “improve the FCC’s understanding of business broadband needs,” calling it the “next step” advancing the FCC’s small business broadband agenda.   Only one problem with this FCC assertion.  They’re not supposed to have a small business broadband agenda.  Or a broadband agenda.  Or any sort of Internet agenda at all.  The …

Socialism no Longer on the Frontier »

Many refuse to believe Socialism is as close to America, something it was not founded on, as it is. We may start to see socialism initiated by the election this fall. The ominous harbinger—the outgoing of Senator Christopher Dodd (D/Ct).…

Generation Y Workers Are Special Cases »

Generation Y workers are getting a cold dose of reality during this recession:  they’re not particularly special after all. …
