Our Constitution Doesn’t Take a Holiday  »

by Horace Cooper   Americans enjoyed their Thanksgiving time with family last week and simultaneously discovered a special treat.   In a per curiam opinion the Supreme Court sided with the religiously faithful against unfair regulation by the state of New York.     In Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn, New York v. Cuomo the Supreme Court granted a restraining order which prevents New York Gov. Cuomo’s Executive Order 202.68 – a coronavirus directive…

Rejecting the Constitution: John Roberts' and America's Shame »

What we learn from the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on Obamacare …

First, the individual mandate is not constitutional under the commerce clause. So ruled the Supreme Court. This was always obviously and self-evidently the case. But in a bizarre twist of events the Court upheld the healthcare mandate on grounds that Congress has broad powers under the Constitution to tax and that as a tax the individual mandate is …

Supremes reinforce secularization in government school programs »

The U.S. Supreme Court banned the first amendment from government schools Oct. 4. In its refusal to hear an appeal of Stratechuk v. Board of Education, South Orange-Maplewood School District, the high court upheld a ruling that religious songs have no place in public school holiday performances.

School programs may include non-holiday religious music, and holiday religious music may be taught in classrooms.

Michael Stratechuk, the father of two in …

What the GOP Pledge Reflects and Why We Need To Stand By It »

            When the Pledge to America was first announced, it immediately met backlash from the other side of the aisle. President Obama began a tour dedicated specifically to breaking down the plan’s items one by one.  While to many political strategists, this response may be seen as politics as usual, there are many holes in the argument that show his plans and the plans of his liberal followers may be sinking …

Does pain dictate the life of an Unborn Child? »

How many realize a small unborn child is life, but if she/he feels no pain it would be ‘OK’ to abort? When does a preborn infant feel pain? In the early 17th century people felt that it had to see the light of day first. Modern gynecology has already dispelled that.…

Abortion Options: Limit Lifetime, Restrict Childbearing, and/or Suffer »

If you opt for an abortion, you opt for restrictions on your life including death. That doesn’t sound like ‘empowering’ the woman, but weakening her, limiting her choices, and forcing her to be subservient to the whims of society. Of course, it doesn’t include putting a human to death. One that already has every chromosome in place that includes hair color, intelligence, gender, and all attributes.…

With Kagan's Nomination, We Get A Lifetime Obama »

      The bottom line, however you want to look at it, to Obama’s selection for Supreme Court is the choice’s reasoning is for his power only.  Not only is Kagan not a correct choice for the nation but for the court as well; especially in this time of war and fiscal challenge.

      No matter who it is, everyone you will speak to about Kagan has their own ideas of her but …

No Longer A Rumor: Obama Wants Amnesty »

        The people who watch politics closely expected it, the ones who didn’t assumed it and now we know it. Through an internal U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service memo, the Obama Administration blatantly confirmed amnesty is their number one objective regarding illegal immigration.  Actually calling removal of persons who are not in the United States legally a “threat”, this is not only proof of a Capitol Hill rumor that was just …

A Vote for Kagan Is a Vote to Take Away Your Guns »

By John Lott

As the number of President Obama’s judicial appointments and nominations continues to grow, it appears pretty clear that he does not care about the individual’s right to self-defense. We can tell this by looking at the record of his two Supreme Court picks but also by examining the long list of lower-level judicial appointments. All of these reflect a pattern of favoring person who have written anti-gun …
