America’s Unsustainable Disunity »

Dr. Miklos K. Radvanyi

I was ten years old when I left Matyas Rakosi’s Stalinist Hungary.  After living in a democracy abroad, I returned to the country of my birth five years later and realized that I cannot live in a state ruled by a radically dehumanizing tyranny bent on annihilating the individual’s inherent sovereignty.  This incontrovertible truth was brutally suppressed by the mendacious official propaganda, according to which both …


by Dr. Miklos K. Radvanyi

Oh, here we go again.  The most recent occasion for all the negligible minutemen in politics and in the media to fall over each other with the excitement of a newborn child who just left the womb of his or her mother happens to be the result of the Iranian presidential election.  Eager to prove their tirelessly irrational optimism about the reformability of the Iranian …

The Frontiers of Freedom Weekly Report – Episode 172 »

George Landrith, Dr. Joe Mangiacotti, Dr. Larry Fedewa, and Tom Donelson discuss:

Speaker Mike Johnson: No more money for Ukraine until Biden supports needed immigration reform and border security

How did intelligence miss the October 7th Hamas attacks?

Why is Gen Z turning against western civilization and the principles of freedom and liberty? 

Iran’s role in Hamas attacks and why won’t Biden seriously respond to attacks upon US military? 


The Fog of Senseless Abominations »

by Dr. Miklos K. Radvanyi

From time immemorial, it had been a favorite pastime of historians, philosophers, theologians, politicians as well as adventurers of all persuasions to provide answers and even harebrained solutions to the seemingly insoluble puzzle of enduring anti-Judaism across the globe.  The list of hate inspired atrocities against the believers in Judaism is almost as long as the history of mankind.  Starting with the ancient Egyptians, continuing …

From Cradle of Judea-Christian Civilization to Litmus Test of Democracy »

By Dr. Miklos K. Radvanyi

In a global historical perspective, carrying on  paradoxical wars against the past by terroristically destroying themselves as well as others, have been the eternal undertakings of all those individuals, ethnic groups as well as nations who have felt – rightly or wrongly – that their positions in the present and their prospects for the future are bordering on utter nothingness without any likelihood of significant …

International Trade Is a Critical Part of America’s Economic Strength: Forfeiting Exports Only Benefits Our Competitors »

by George Landrith

International trade is a critical growth engine for the nation’s economic strength and prosperity.  Today, we’re at several crossroads with many of our largest trading partners to ensure the U.S. is not unfairly disadvantaged in the global marketplace.  As the Administration confronts these issues — including at a highly anticipated meeting between President Trump and China’s President Xi at the G-20 Summit this weekend – it’s vital …

Conservatives have every reason to be optimistic »

Freedom and opportunity are on the horizon with a new crop of principled, capable and positive conservatives. 

by George Landrith   

In the past few weeks and the next couple weeks, we will see most of the expected entrants into the GOP presidential sweepstakes make their plans official. The GOP bench is deep with a number of highly credible and well qualified potential nominees. Part of this deep bench is the …

Four Years of Projected Weakness: Death and Attacks on US Embassies »

“We condemn the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims.” – Obama Administration

“I strongly condemn the outrageous attack on our diplomatic facility in Benghazi (Libya).” – Obama Statement (No mention was made of the act of war when the Muslim Brotherhood attacked the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt.)

On the 11th Anniversary of the September 11th attacks, the American Embassy in Egypt and the …

Lasting Lessons of September 11, 2001 »

by George Landrith

When Ronald Reagan was asked what his plan was for dealing with the communist threat, he responded, “We win, they lose.” Those four words led to an impressive victory for human freedom around the world. To this day, there are boulevards named after Reagan all over the world in nations that were once dominated and enslaved by communism’s hatred of freedom and lust for control.

In an …

China's Approaching Implosion »

By: Dr. Miklos K. Radvanyi

From its genesis until its overthrow on February 12, 1912, imperial China was driven throughout its history by a permanent tension between the despotic state’s boundless hostility toward society and the violent anti-state sentiments of society.  The result of this uncompromising and—at times— merciless antagonism between the omnipotent state and the ruthlessly oppressed society was a political culture in which absolute power alternated between the …
