Cowardly spiritual leaders censor messages, not Big Brother »

Some want you to believe spiritual leaders across the land are a bunch of cowards more afraid of the IRS than the Almighty.

For instance, Wayne Gruden, research professor of Theology and Biblical Studies at Phoenix Seminary, recently opined that since 1954 the IRS has forced churches to refrain from promoting or opposing any political candidate by name.

“The IRS has insists that any speech by churches that deals with …

Freedom of Speech 101 »

When I began traversing the blog world in 2004 it was commonly argued that the Internet was the last bastion of free speech.  If this argument regarding mainstream media “bias” holds true, then it makes sense that the blogosphere plays home to the last vestiges of communication liberty.  After all, it isn’t like most of us bloggers are actually pulling in a salary and benefits for typing about what we…
