Conservatives Snatching Defeat From the Jaws of Victory »

When I was a kid, there was a very simply rule of conduct, people in polite society did NOT talk about politics, religion, sex, or money in public.

In fact, unless you lived in the proverbial “one horse town,” your neighbors probably wouldn’t have any idea what church you attended.

A man’s vote or support for a candidate was a private matter and people who wore support pins did so …

The Republican Agenda: Stand Firm »

Over at there’s a great summation of Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell’s speech given at the Heritage Foundation today.  In his commentary on McConnell’s remarks, Guy Benson concludes that the Senator, along with Representative John Boehner, “…seem to understand that the conservatives that fueled this week’s GOP wave have expectations, and that a failure to address those expectations would be unacceptable and politically costly.”

Let’s hope so.  We have …

Ignorance of Dems is Now Going Too Far »

            Ignorance. It is a factor of the liberal leadership and has been pretty much accepted by aspects of society such as the media.  However, Massachusetts Representative Tierney has given another definition to the word as he consistently states he did not know anything regarding his own wife’s involvement in her brother’s illegal business.…

Obama’s FCC Pushes its Unauthorized Internet Agenda »

By Seton Motley John Eggerton of Broadcasting & Cable reported:

The Federal Communications Commission-FCC is issuing a public notice to “improve the FCC’s understanding of business broadband needs,” calling it the “next step” advancing the FCC’s small business broadband agenda.   Only one problem with this FCC assertion.  They’re not supposed to have a small business broadband agenda.  Or a broadband agenda.  Or any sort of Internet agenda at all.  The …

Discussion of Reason for Beck’s Rally Its Own Cry for Help »

         It is not news to hear that we are in an environment of bias which is fueled by our mainstream media. It is not even news when we hear that people who speak truth are pushed down by this sector. However, a recent situation has forced us to not only see the strength of this realization but also the danger.…

No Longer A Rumor: Obama Wants Amnesty »

        The people who watch politics closely expected it, the ones who didn’t assumed it and now we know it. Through an internal U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service memo, the Obama Administration blatantly confirmed amnesty is their number one objective regarding illegal immigration.  Actually calling removal of persons who are not in the United States legally a “threat”, this is not only proof of a Capitol Hill rumor that was just …

Why are We Suprised? »

Just around MemoGate I was an aspiring reporter who was prepping for a career in investigative journalism. In my spare time, I had a political Internet radio program called The Conservative Watchdog. This was the only place I allowed my political views to surface, especially as a consistent stringer reporter and intern.  While at a New York Conference, I raised my hand to ask about my program and how it …

Democrats’ Reason for Fear of the Immigration Lawsuit Shows How Power Hungry the DNC Is »

Although America has already shown a historic height of dissatisfaction regarding our current President, the most alarming rejection is recently coming from a very surprising sector of politics: members of his own party.  In a recent White House meeting, the nation’s democrat governors grumbled against the recent legal attack on Arizona for their newest immigration enforcement law S.B. 1070. Discussing it Democratic Governor Phil Bredesen said, “Universally the governors are …

Terror Lawyer Tapped to do Obama v. Arizona Lawsuit: Talk about Conflict of Interest »

          Just hours ago it was announced that Tony West, a member of a group of lawyers who have represented terror suspects and are coined as “The Gitmo 9”, will be leading the Obama Administration in their suit against Arizona.  Arguing against the state taking a federal law that the national law enforcement were not using and making it a state requirement, every day this lawsuit shows more and more its …

Another Attempt to Control the Electorate Done By Obama…this Time Personally »

           If you are a political analyst like my colleagues and myself you knew firsthand what Obama was going to do to the nation even before Election Day approached. However, even the most right wing pundit was surprised when it began to come out that during his White House term, Obama wasn’t just controlling corporations but also elections. …
