Obama says little on immigration in State of the Union »

The District’s undocumented immigration grew by at least six Jan. 28 as Democrats aided and abetted illegals by inviting them to the State of the Union Address.…

Party bosses selling out Free State »

Make no mistake about it from State Board of Elections (SBE) Administrator-for-life Linda Lamone to the legislators who refuse to ask the lieutenant governor what he knew and when he knew it regarding the state healthcare roll out fiasco, Anthony Brown is the Democrat machines’s selection as the next governor of Maryland.…

What is government's role in social programs? »

A former Bush administration official, Michael Gerson, threw that idea out in the November issue of Christianity Today in support of the welfare state. That might explain why Gerson’s great, great grandchildren will not be U.S. citizens. Following this strategy, there will not be a United States.

“The mainstream Christian reflection has concluded that government has an important role in pursuing the common good,” he says. “It plays an important …

What is government's role in social programs? Part I »

There is no question society has a responsibility to care for the poor and needy. Both major religions and governments recognize this. However, in these days of gazillion dollar deficits and the need for budget control.

Five hundred years before Christ, the Jews were instructed not to oppress the poor as they showed mercy and compassion. About 600 years later, the Christian church required Paul to remember the poor as …

Cowardly spiritual leaders censor messages, not Big Brother »

Some want you to believe spiritual leaders across the land are a bunch of cowards more afraid of the IRS than the Almighty.

For instance, Wayne Gruden, research professor of Theology and Biblical Studies at Phoenix Seminary, recently opined that since 1954 the IRS has forced churches to refrain from promoting or opposing any political candidate by name.

“The IRS has insists that any speech by churches that deals with …

Supremes reinforce secularization in government school programs »

The U.S. Supreme Court banned the first amendment from government schools Oct. 4. In its refusal to hear an appeal of Stratechuk v. Board of Education, South Orange-Maplewood School District, the high court upheld a ruling that religious songs have no place in public school holiday performances.

School programs may include non-holiday religious music, and holiday religious music may be taught in classrooms.

Michael Stratechuk, the father of two in …

Supremes reinforce secularization in government school programs »

The U.S. Supreme Court banned the first amendment from government schools Oct. 4. In its refusal to hear an appeal of Stratechuk v. Board of Education, South Orange-Maplewood School District, the high court upheld a ruling that religious songs have no place in public school holiday performances.

School programs may include non-holiday religious music, and holiday religious music may be taught in classrooms.

Michael Stratechuk, the father of two in …
