More “smidgens” of IRS corruption »

by Ed Rogers  •     

Anyone paying attention to the Internal Revenue Service scandal has been waiting for the next smidgen to drop. Well, two more hit pretty hard this week. At the president’s next encounter with the media, I will scream collusion if no one asks him for his exact definition of a “smidgen,” and if he thinks he has seen a smidgen of corruption yet. At this point, only …

Cowardly spiritual leaders censor messages, not Big Brother »

Some want you to believe spiritual leaders across the land are a bunch of cowards more afraid of the IRS than the Almighty.

For instance, Wayne Gruden, research professor of Theology and Biblical Studies at Phoenix Seminary, recently opined that since 1954 the IRS has forced churches to refrain from promoting or opposing any political candidate by name.

“The IRS has insists that any speech by churches that deals with …
