Another Job Offer from the White House Shows the Filth of Obama’s Political Agenda

Posted by on Jun 4th, 2010 and filed under Defense, Legal, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

After starting to settle into the idea that the issue regarding their offer to Democratic Candidate Joe Sestak was starting to see the road to the archives and out of the current events sections of newspapers and news programs, The White House awoke to another hit. Current Colorado Democratic Candidate Andrew Romanoff, it has been reported was also offered a position in exchange for dropping out of the current race.

While this is a disruptive situation for any administration, it is realized that this one in particular is being hit harder. During his campaign President Obama verbally prided himself as evading from Washington tricks and what some people believe is “Politics as usual”. In fact, many followers defined his slogan “Change” with statements such as a different government for the people not foreboding the people. However, as we are seeing from recent events that definition may have held less water than previously considered.

When Foxnews broke the story, correspondent and host Neil Cavuto asked “Here we go again?” after announcing the revelation. This within itself reflects the mindset both of the White House and of the public. Despite the rise of Tea Parties there are still many people who are consistently holding by a thread the belief that Obama will lead them well but as current events show, leadership may be the least of their worries. Already, they are attempting to cover up offer number two confirming that Romanoff “applied for a job” apparently believing that was what created the supposed mix up.

The reality is once again a play on words via the current Administration. While we already see “upheaval” meaning “takeover” and “reform” meaning “new taxes”, it seems to the Obama administration “job offer” and “job suggestion” is completely different. In September of 2009, after announcing his candidacy Romanoff received a phone call from White House deputy Chief of Staff Jeff Messina who stated no White House support would be available to him but “suggested” three available positions in the same organization he applied for. Although Messina instilled the lack of White House support as well as the declaration that no position would be definite, his followup email detailing each position cried a bit of a different position.

While White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs confirmed some forms of communication after Romanoff announced his candidacy, the content was not discussed. It has been confirmed that Messina reached out to him to see whether the position Romanoff previously applied for would still be of interest to the Republican candidate. Messina then emailed him three available positions for the same organization Romanoff applied for.

Once again, the nation is shown the true colors of the Obama Administration. With Romanoff’s statement and evidence, it is clear once again that the Administration offered positions to the candidate in exchange for removing himself from the race. No matter what the definition may be to them, it is pretty clear to the people. Further, with less than one thousand days of his candidacy, this shows fear was strong even before primary season that his collegeues’ power was in peril. Maybe he and his politics will be over after all.

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