Why are We Suprised?

Posted by on Jul 21st, 2010 and filed under Defense, Legal, Politics, Presidency. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

Just around MemoGate I was an aspiring reporter who was prepping for a career in investigative journalism. In my spare time, I had a political Internet radio program called The Conservative Watchdog. This was the only place I allowed my political views to surface, especially as a consistent stringer reporter and intern.  While at a New York Conference, I raised my hand to ask about my program and how it could assist me in some way through political reporting, the responding “Journalism Expert” stated: “You could always work for Fox News.” An eruption of laughter filled the room.

I left journalism the next day and promptly changed my major to Political Science, never looking back.

Journolist is not only a listserve but the pinnacle point signifying that the once detrimental weakness in the objective that is journalism has now turned into a cancer.  When I wanted to be a reporter I thought of Nellie Bly and others who searched for the truth no matter the risk and never allowed their own beliefs to invade in their stories.  The reality that the majority isn’t anywhere near that anymore is not only the reason why instances such as the one I encountered occur, but also why the field of journalism is and will continue to be a joke unless something is done.

All in all, the recent Daily Caller article regarding it pretty much stated what we all knew: A large majority of the media is no longer the searchers for the truth but the creators and manipulators of it. Although it was during the Obama Presidential Campaign that major media organizations really began wearing the phrase “Liberal” as a badge of honor, it was always known that there was a growing leftist epidemic that was coming from their locations.  Now, all we really and truly have is proof.  Placing aside the aspect of the Obama Election however, you must admit that there is a larger factor of evidence that continues to this day. Recently, an Iranian American Democratic Fundraiser was charged with 12 years in prison.  Despite this carrying a whiff of Abramoff, the story died quicker than it took the ink to dry on the papers that actually covered it.  If I had been a GOP Fundraiser, another Abramoff would have never seen the end of it.

When it comes to tactics such as calling conservative leaders such as Karl Rove racist, the aversion is pretty much Liberal Media 101.  Every leader with an R at the end of their name or with any conservative background is seen as a threat and treated as such.  As a result, we immediately are ready at guard: With a thick skin, a head of knowledge and an understanding that the truth will see light as long as we keep working for it.

While many of us obviously knew factors such as this listserve somehow existed, I believe there is a hint of surprise because we in some way hoped we were wrong.  That the real reporters still are on the front page and still are working day in and day out for the real truth and not one that is bounced around by a collection of “correspondents”.  Nonetheless, here we are facing the truth and it is our response that will either sink or save the ship that is Journalism.

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