Using our Rights against Our Own: The 9-11 Mosque and Religious Rights

Posted by on Aug 19th, 2010 and filed under Defense, Foreign Policy, Government Spending, Legal, Politics, Presidency. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

       There is one consistent factor of our society which we are seeing more and more: Using our rights against ourselves in order to protect others.  A great recent example is the 9-11 Mosque.  Almost daily, people are debating the 9-11 Mosque and whether it should be placed two blocks where terrorists involved in the same religion took down the twin towers and changed the nation and the world forever.  When the Mosque was first announced, it was a blip on the television. Aside from some conservative groups and tea party members, even the related rallies was lacking publicity despite taking place right where most mainstream media has their central headquarters.  Now that it has been approved, people are screaming and the media responding.

      Just as immediately, political leaders began to state the right to practice religion as a reason why this factor should not be evaded.  Aside from the fact that the head of the project will not present where his millions in funding came from and has discussed his project in one breath while blaming America for the attack in the second, America once again has to turn the other cheek while being spit in the face.  Defending religious freedom by allowing the mosque to be built on this location is about as moot as it can be.  Religious freedom is freedom to practice; this is a right we are nowhere near touching when discussing this issue.  In fact, if we were really restricting this right, we would be building a border around the entire state of New York.   Leaning against our own rules regarding religious freedom, we are doing nothing more rewording and misinterpreting a right to assist an objective that is connected to our tragic history and national security.

       Yes, we are a superpower nation. However, this in no way restricts us from protecting hallowed ground; especially from an organization whose background is connected to the event which caused it to become such a place.  Our rights are to protect our nation and its citizens from the aftermaths this would cause if allowed.

       Placing aside the fact that this nation should protect its own first with our rights, this atrocity is also an unneeded factor of their religion, location wise, in the first place. Not only is the Muslim majority no where near the area chosen, but prospective members will have to pass other Muslim mosques to even enter the parking lot of this proposed location.

          Despite this situation being a cause for debate and one that has probably for many opened up some wounds, the positive is that we as a nation are seeing the true colors of many leaders. President Obama has not only approved of the mosque, but has stated despite backlash he does not regret his comments.  Mayor Bloomberg has gone as far as to call the people who oppose the Mosque Bigots.  Nonetheless, the spit mark this will leave on many heroes’ faces should not occur.  There is no need for it for the religion as there is no need for us to protect others with our rights while ignoring the sacrifices of our own and our responsibility to respect their memory.

2 Responses for “Using our Rights against Our Own: The 9-11 Mosque and Religious Rights”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Islam is a religion of peace. You can call the creation of a worship place atrocious, but the creation of a worship place, anywhere, is a holy thing; in my opinion. Also, I think it would be a good idea if they created a place where Jews, Christians and Muslims worshiped in the same location near Ground Zero.

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  2. Haley Placke says:

    November 15, 2010

    Heather Bachman

    Dear Ms. Bachman:

    RE: “Using our Rights against Our Own: The 9-11 Mosque and Religious Rights” (August 19, 2010)

    As the public begins to debate and/or dwell over the idea of placing a Mosque two blocks away from Ground Zero, the idea becomes more and more disturbing every day. Even though America is a “superpower nation,” we should not be restricted from protecting our own, and respecting the memory of our loss. America shouldn’t always be concerned of others’ needs.

    Indeed, we should protect our hallowed ground. Also, it is absolutely unnecessary to place a holy house of worship near Ground Zero for the religion of the terrorists that traumatized our country. However, this does not mean that many leaders that approved of this decision are finally showing their true colors. That remains to be a generalization. Just because some leaders approved of this building option, does not indicate that they are terrible leaders.

    Although we cannot blame Islam for the 9-11 event occurring, it is still dishonorable to build their holy place of worship near our hallowed ground. Honor the dead, and respect the religious rights of the living elsewhere.

    Thank you for your time. It was greatly appreciated.


    Haley Placke
    10th Grade Student

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