Ignorance of Dems is Now Going Too Far

Posted by on Oct 16th, 2010 and filed under Defense. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

            Ignorance. It is a factor of the liberal leadership and has been pretty much accepted by aspects of society such as the media.  However, Massachusetts Representative Tierney has given another definition to the word as he consistently states he did not know anything regarding his own wife’s involvement in her brother’s illegal business.

           Recently, Tierney’s wife plead guilty to crimes which connect her to a million dollar illegal offshore gambling business created and moderated by her now fugitive brother.  59-year old Patrice will be facing a January sentencing which is said to include two years of probation, 90 days of which she will spend confined to her home and $2,900 in fines and fees.  The seven term incumbent seems to be clean in some minds so far. However, re-examining the reality may scream differently.

            Claiming ignorance of what his wife was involved in, Tierney’s constant statements that he was unaware of her practices are without a doubt implausible. According to reports, the legislator’s wife was using the money in the brother’s account to support his children as well as Tierney himself. In addition, Mrs. Tierney also made two payments totaling $46,500 were made to “P.T.” These according to reports were reimbursements for expenses relating to the brother’s children and mother that Tierney had covered.  

            This meant that, including the other support, $46,500 of the funding was used to pay for the brother’s family needs, and the legislator did not know about it nor about how it was reimbursed.

            Already the criminal situations have poured into the couple’s involvement in state political objectives, especially considering November crawling closer.  The Boston Herald recently announced the congressman’s newly convicted wife resigned as co-chair for a high-level fundraiser North Shore Democrats are holding in Governor Deval’s honor on October 19th.  Supposedly a co-presenter and host for the $500 a plate guests, although Deval stated that she had removed herself voluntarily, the challenge that Democrats are already in this political cycle suggests otherwise.  Even Deval’s comments that he doesn’t “know the whole story” also show shady possibilities that the removal may have been heavily suggested. 

            As said before, ignorance is a well known characteristic for Democrats. However, when it comes to this type of blatant lying in an attempt to show constant innocence has gone too far.  Not only are members of the Democrat Party attempting to push their ignorance on the mis-knowledge of their political colleagues but their own families as well.  This shows a dangerous lack of truth that can and will risk the nation if these leaders are allowed to continue making actions in their constituent’s name.

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