Lamestream Media Weenies

Posted by on Jun 11th, 2011 and filed under Congress, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

The mainstream media has been dishing up a bunch of contaminated wienerschnitzel.

It’s no secret the mainstream media wallows in leftist propaganda, but when confronted with the proposition that most American journalists are registered Democrats they assure us they compartmentalize their personal views form their reporting.

Even if one is gullible enough to accept this it still begs the question of their choice of stories. Consider that Brian Williams, the left-teetering anchor of NBC Nightly news, at first ignored the sordid but newsworthy fiasco surrounding Weiner’s raunchy online behavior and his disrespect towards women. He was quick, however, to pounce on N.J. Gov Christie’s use of a state helicopter.

I’m more jaded than gullible, and with good reason. Several studies quantify that during the 2008 presidential campaign there were far more favorable stories of Obama than McCain; conversely, McCain was cast in negative light much more than Obama.

Not much has changed; indeed the MSM may be listing so far to the left they’re in danger of sinking into liberal orthodoxy. This past week ABC ran 4 stories about Weinergate, CBS ran 2 and NBC 5; contrast that to their coverage of Republican Mark Foley’s scandal in 2006. Unlike Weiner he resigned promptly; nevertheless, in a 12 day period the news networks ran 55 stories about Foley’s salacious Internet messages to pages. The events are not entirely analogous, but come on… 55. That reflects a double-standard based on party affiliation.

Eager to buy Weiner’s incredulous excuses about hacks and pranks despite his inability to say the “pecker photo” was his, media outlets ran sympathetic stories about the prevalence of computer hacking. The MSM’s mollycoddling of Weiner then took a bizarre turn during CNN’s Piers Morgan’s wacky interview with right-wing stalwart Ann Coulter.

While Morgan’s inflammatory assessment of the Tea Party movement being a bit like Hitler’s followers is headline-grabbing, there was something a bit more insidious about his questioning of Coulter. He used the word “instinctive” repeatedly to describe Coulter’s penchant for deflecting his questions into gratuitous attacks on Democrats. Wait a minute! I suddenly realized he’s doing that thing they talked about in Psych 101: projection bias. This smug elitist, asserting that Tea Partiers aren’t “the brightest of spellers,” was denying his own instincts by ascribing inherent prejudices to Coulter.

When Morgan then suggested that Coulter had “invented in her head” the notion that the MSM had rallied around Weiner I realized his condition is actually a bit more severe. This twit from Old Blighty was a bit barmy, perhaps brainwashed by liberal mantra. I wanted to believe he is just a quirky Brit, maybe a bit eccentric. But blimey, he went absolutely mental when he asserted that Andrew Breitbart, the conservative blogger who exposed Wiener’s, ahem, online package, wasn’t mistreated by the MSM.

Eventually I caught on: Morgan kept using the word “instinctive” because he was projecting his own unconscious impulses. He had succumbed to the tittle-tattle of the liberal-elitist cocktail circuit. His brainwashing so thorough, his prejudices so ingrained that he actually queried Coulter: “Who on mainstream media attacked Breitbart?”

I’m glad his psychological defense mechanisms are so strong otherwise he’d be stark raving bonkers when confronted by reality: Hello, your snootiness, just look across the hallway at CNN and you’ll see Jeffrey Toobin. He went on CNN’s air to defame Breitbart and downplay Weinergate as a “light-hearted story… a silly little thing.” Oh really, tell that to the women Weiner preyed upon as online chats about politics suddenly, incongruously, turned to his silly little thing.

The Daily Beast (home to “media expert” Howard Kurtz), MSNBC, Media Matters, Salon, CNN, NBC… among others all instinctively rallied to Weiner’s defense. CNN showed their colors as Wolf Blitzer played into Weiner’s defense by doing a story about computer hacking. They also gave Toobin a microphone to spout his instinctive prejudices and attack the messenger. NBC and CBS were probably the biggest weenies, at first choosing to quiver on the liberal sidelines lest their hypocrisy be exposed.

As Piers Morgan continued to snootily accuse Coulter of instinctive prejudice it occurred to me his condition is worse than denial and projection — he was exhibiting symptoms of full blown delusional disorder. That’s where someone can’t tell what is real from what is imagined. How else can you explain his assertion that Weiner’s initial defense about being hacked was “very persuasive… very, very clear”?

Blimey old chap, Weiner couldn’t even say whether the picture sent from his twitter account was his, instead conjuring legalistic twaddle about pictures being manipulated and dropped into accounts. He waffled when asked straightforward questions like “Is it possible it [the photo] is you?” or, “Do you have underwear like that?”

If that’s persuasive and very clear then let’s roast some more contaminated wienerschnitzel. By Noel S. Williams

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