Does anyone really understand what $16 trillion is?

Posted by on Sep 8th, 2012 and filed under Defense. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

$16 TRILLION is an astronomical number. If you were to count from 1 to 1 million without stopping (assuming about 1 second per number on average), it would take about 12 days. If you were to count to 1 billion, it would take about 32 years. And if you were to count to 1 trillion, it would take about 31,710 years. And to count out the dollars of our current national debt of more than $16 trillion, it would take more than 507,357 years of counting one number each second without ever stopping. The point is — a trillion is a HUGE, GARGANTUAN number and 16 trillion is completely off the charts. We must have a serious national debate about cutting government spending. And then we must dramatically cut spending before we become the next Greece. We cannot delay.

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