Restraining Orders Hurt Women…and Men »

Grace Krejci of West Allis, Wis. took out a restraining order on her separated husband. Last week the deranged man broke into her house because their 5-year-old son hadn’t been picked up at school. Minutes later Grace lay dead of a bullet wound.

Toni Brown of Washington, DC had an order of protection, believing that would ward off the escalating threats by her former live-in girlfriend. Then a late-night attack …

Obama’s Domestic Violence Initiative: Hope, Hype, and Hogwash »

Desperate times call for desperate measures. So shortly before the November 2 elections, Barack Obama pulled out all the stops to woo the fading female electorate, unveiling a multi-pronged effort to “end domestic violence against women,” as the president theatrically called it. But did the president’s 5-point initiative deliver on the goods?

Let’s begin with Obama’s Hope about “ending” domestic violence. Folks, let’s get real – the only way to …

Feminist Amy Siskind: Trojan Horse to the Conservative Cause? »

Last Tuesday, 51% of the female electorate pulled the lever in favor of the GOP candidate to the U.S. House of Representatives. And for the first time in recent memory, a majority of women voted Republican.

Refusing to concede defeat, the National Organization for Women promptly instructed its members to organize. And to the Gender Guerillas, “organize” includes infiltrating the conservative ranks.

Exhibit A is Amy Siskind’s recent editorial, “The …

Men Power Conservatives to a Landslide Victory »

Tuesday’s election marked a stunning turn-around for the Republican Party, which gained 60 new seats in the House and an six additional seats in the Senate. As much as any other demographic, it was conservative men who brought the GOP back from two dreary years in the political wilderness.

Overall, 56% of the male electorate voted Republican, compared to 49% of women, according to exit polls: While women are …

Stacy Bannerman’s Domestic Violence Hoax »

Stacy Bannerman, well-known advocate for military families, recently published an article titled, “Husbands Who Bring the War Home:” Author of When the War Came Home, Bannerman has been credited for helping to secure passage of the Military Family Leave Act in 2009.

As weary American troops return from their Iraqi deployment, the Bannerman column is important and timely. And the harrowing account of Kristi, victim of an attempted strangulation …

2010 Will be Year of the Man »

Carey Roberts

“Granddad, why are all those football players wearing pink shoes?” That was the topic of conversation this past Monday evening as my 13-year-old grandson and I watched the star-crossed Minnesota Vikings take on the New York Jets.

I sagely explained that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. His logical mind now ratcheting into overdrive, he tried to pin me down: “So when do the players wear blue shoes …

Domestic Violence Fairytales Threaten Constitutional Protections »

Kristin Ruggiero of New Hampshire figured it would be a slam-dunk. The gambit worked like a charm during the divorce hearing, now she would bring the case to criminal court.

Her husband Jeffrey, an officer in the U.S. Coast Guard, was an incorrigible batterer, at least that’s what she led to the judge to believe. That got him convicted of criminal threatening, and she won custody of their 7-year-old daughter.…

Lesbian Battering: The Sisterhood Turns on Itself »

A series of high-profile cases of lesbian-perpetrated domestic violence has sent shock-waves through Massachusetts communities in recent months:

1. On February 16, a Suffolk Superior Court jury convicted Nicole Chuminski on two counts of second-degree murder, following a fire that killed the two daughters of her lover Anna Reisopoulos. During a heated argument between the two, Chuminski reportedly fell into a fit of rage. A few hours later Chuminski returned …

Kill Whitey and Other Leftist Fantasies »

The ever-feisty, always irrepressible Rev. Jeremiah Wright is back in the news. Yessiree, President Obama’s long-time spiritual guru is once again regaling audiences with his unique blend of fire-and-brimestone and racial invective.

During a seminar held in Chicago last week, Wright broke into his well-honed rap routine, claiming, “White folk done took this country.” And “You’re in their home, and they’re gonna let you know it.” Wright then accused whites …

Hanna Rosin: This is What a Feminist Looks Like »

A couple years ago the National Organization for Women came up with an idea for a new PR campaign. The program duped unsuspecting college students into wearing a T-shirt carrying the gratuitous slogan, “This is what a feminist looks like.”

The campaign was designed to dispel the popular notion that all women’s libbers are Helen Thomas look-alikes with a hooked nose, deep-set eyes, serpentine lips, and rhinoceros-hide skin.…
