Obama Justice Dept. Sues Gallup after Campaign Chief Criticized Pollsters »

Internal emails between senior officials at The Gallup Organization, obtained by The Daily Caller, show senior Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod attempting to subtly intimidate the respected polling firm when its numbers were unfavorable to the president.

After Gallup declined to change its polling methodology, Obama’s Department of Justice hit it with an unrelated lawsuit that appears damning on its face.

TheDC is withholding the identities of the Gallup officials …

Unemployment 8.1% as More Give Up Looking for Work »

The nation’s most recent jobs report disappointed again with an anemic 96,000 new jobs added in August. Just to keep up with population growth, the economy would need to add more than 130,000 jobs per month. The report estimates an 8.1 unemployment rate for August. “This is definitely a setback for the labor market and the economy,” said Michael Feroli, chief U.S. economist at JP Morgan Chase and a former …

America's Embarassing Energy Debacle »

by George C. Landrith

President Barack Obama has been criticized by both supporters and critics for making and then breaking too many campaign promises. Whether it was closing Guantanamo, ending the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, allowing five days of public debate before signing legislation, slashing earmarks, or permitting no tax increases on those earning less than $250,000, President Obama has fallen far short of his promises. But there is …

Does anyone really understand what $16 trillion is? »

$16 TRILLION is an astronomical number. If you were to count from 1 to 1 million without stopping (assuming about 1 second per number on average), it would take about 12 days. If you were to count to 1 billion, it would take about 32 years. And if you were to count to 1 trillion, it would take about 31,710 years. And to count out the dollars of our current …

Obamanomics is not working »

by George Landrith

Barack Obama is nearing the fourth year of his presidency and the economy continues to languish as evidenced by the fact that the unemployment rate “unexpectedly” shot back up and has been above 8 percent for his entire presidency.  The truth is there is nothing “unexpected” about our current economic woes.  In fact, for those who understand the fundamentals of economics, the current high unemployment rates are …

Budget Failures Lead to Economic Woes »

by George Landrith

America’s national debt is dangerously close to $16 trillion. This is a staggering figure. It is impossible to comprehend in concrete terms. But we are rapidly approaching the point of no return, where economic collapse becomes our fate — just like Greece. This is not a new problem. But it has gotten far, far worse as a result of President Barack Obama’s unrestrained spending. He’s thrown hundreds …

Solyndra in Space »

The once great American space program is on life support. We now pay the Russians $65 million per seat to take our astronauts to and from the space station. And the Obama Administration’s current unimaginative and amateurish vision for space exploration — even if successful — will not revive the dying program. It merely follows the disturbing pattern of the Solyndra scandal, funneling tax dollars to Obama donors and fundraisers.…

Rejecting the Constitution: John Roberts' and America's Shame »

What we learn from the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on Obamacare …

First, the individual mandate is not constitutional under the commerce clause. So ruled the Supreme Court. This was always obviously and self-evidently the case. But in a bizarre twist of events the Court upheld the healthcare mandate on grounds that Congress has broad powers under the Constitution to tax and that as a tax the individual mandate is …

Fast and Furious: Executive Privilege or Cover-up? »

By George Landrith & Miklos Radvanyi

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), which is part of the Department of Justice, ran the Fast and Furious “gun-walking” operation in which government agents purposely facilitated the sale of thousands of guns to the Mexican drug cartels. Hundreds of those Fast and Furious guns have been used in a long litany of drug-related murders along both sides of our southern border. …

Stealing Elections and Silencing the Opposition »

Throughout history, political extremists have attacked their opponents seeking to silence and suppress those with whom they disagree. Some form of bullying is almost always their chief weapon. These extremists invariably try to undermine democracy itself and silence their opposition. This truth has been sadly evident in recent extremist attacks by Van Jones and his group, Color of Change, on the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).

Jones is a former …
